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Be mindful this week, it is your most powerful tool. We are in an action phase at this time, and this is usually when ‘self-sabotage’ mode kicks in for many of you who are stepping into your power and purpose. Be aware what your patterns of sabotage or protection are. Distractions, habits that don’t support your Divinity, fear, procrastination, and doubt thinking. Being stationary when your body wants to move and flow. Starting arguments or just feeling slightly off and not moving forward are a few examples. Ask yourself this week, how am I protecting myself? Why am I hesitant/ avoiding moving forward and stepping into my power.
Envoke the Goddess Kali this week and use your inner power and connection to the Earth to cast aside those lingering doubts. You have prepared much up to this point and it is time to call on your strength reserves. You have an immense store of power and perseverance at your disposal, connect within and call it up!
The theme this week is to rise into your heart and act from there. When we are in sabotage mode, we are often motived by fear and self-doubt and as you have come to realize this is beneficial and does not move you into a place of power. Another reason mindfulness is key this week, knowing what energy you are operating in will shine an immense light on your sabotage patterns. If you tune in and ask what energy am I operating from and find anything less than love your first task is to ask what you need to shift your vibration into your power. Shifting the energy in your body through movement is a fabulous way, like shaking off the Winter frost as you step into Spring. Sometimes a few minutes to journal or EFT will do the trick to shake up the energy too, or a chat with a supportive friend to get to the root of your frustration and reclaim your power.
Coming back around to picking fights, getting in disagreements and feeling sorry for yourself. This is all a version of sabotage protection and blocking off who you really are. In allowing this to be revealed to you, you have the opportunity to see things from another perspective, to look at things from the views of another person, or from your higher self. If you find yourself in a lot of disagreements or miscommunications, ask yourself how your struggle with the person is reflecting something about yourself. If it’s more of an internal struggle ask for the solution from your Higher or Future self. How do they see the situation?
Within you, you truly do understand the situation and your spiritual knowledge is expanding – trust what comes to you that is based in the vibration of love or above – it is Truth.
Keys to remember this week:
- Take action from a place of personal power and love this week. You’re ready. You’ve got this.
- You have everything you need within you to do this. YOU HAVE GOT THIS. Burn away all areas you feel are not the real you.
- You are all the magnificent things you suspect yourself to be. Step more into uncovering, aligning to and expressing those. Don’t wait for perfection.
- Allow space to notice your sabotage patterns and use them as an alarm system that it’s time to step into more of your power. Call in the Goddess Kali to help with this.