For many of you sensitive to energy you are already feeling 2019 and the powerful force that last weekend’s New Moon brought with it.
There is a large amount of expansion happening in throat chakras and for many of you an opening and connecting of your 5D throat chakra. This means that communication and creative expression are not only suggested this year they are mandatory if you are to feel balanced and energetic. If you find yourself stagnant in this area it will pull energy from you to NOT express. You may feel drained when you aren’t fully expressing yourself and wonder what is happening. This is your inner self putting the break on plans until you tune within and be honest with yourself.
At this pivotal time in the year, this self-honesty will lead you to set intentions that will serve you throughout the year. Honestly assess where you feel like you’re at and how you can become more of who you are on a Soul level. Once you begin to break through your own desires and gain clarity and expression you will be surprised at how much more energy you actually have.
The years leading up to 2019 (especially since 2012) have been preparing us for a great transformation. There is still lots to be released, but it feels different this year. It feels like we are on the verge of a full metamorphosis (everyone is at their own stage.) Of course there are still growing pains here and there as we get to know our wings and how to use them, as we continue to let go of what is no longer needed or beneficial to us in this newly upgraded life. The letting go this year is very much focused on mindset and the way you think and perceive things.
Coming back to the throat chakra theme, and your inner truth, this week and year brings the opportunity to shift your perspective. To see that you have more wisdom within you and know more about your path than you are giving yourself credit for. It’s not always about the how’s and the steps as much as the trust and discernment for each step you take.
Every one of us was gifted a map this year. One side features where you are at right now, and the other where you want to be. The space in between, the quest this year is to move through the terrain energetically. To match what you desire and feel it real so that it’s not only you moving forward on your quest but your desires coming up to meet you. It’s about less energy output and more enjoyment of the process. This is one forest that you can’t force your way through. The path will continue to overgrow with doubts and fears if you do not address them and choose your truth and see the light of the lesson within. Your force and pushing will be counterproductive, where in contrast a trusting and peaceful energy will move you forward faster than you ever thought possible.
Use your inner power for choosing and moving towards how you want to feel while also calling it to you through trust and knowing that your Divine support team is on the case and you simply need to get out of your own way mindset wise, then take actions that feel right in order to receive.
The big keys this week are that:
You know what to do. Give yourself more credit. You have everything you need within now. You may need more nurturing to fully grasp the power that you hold, but it is there. Nurture yourself and connect to the Earth and the energy of support if you’re feeling confused.
Your metamorphosis process is speeding up and changing. There are still life and karmic lessons being learned, but you are not a victim and you have choices and opportunities that are perfect for where you want to go. Use your power to find the positive aspects, find the mirrors and see what your life is trying to teach you. Then use those lessons to step more fully into your true self and let go of old ways of thinking and living. Find the gratitude in any ways that you can. Anything that helps to uplift your vibration will also help to bring you clarity and opportunity.
It’s time to take action. I hope you had a great rest because an opportunity is calling. Do the steps above. Be still. Go within. Heal, cry and nurture yourself. Then get crystal clear about what you desire and trust that the Divine will be playing a big role in helping to orchestrated it all for you. The energy you are preserving by letting go of guilt, shame, shoulds and pressure will fuel you forward when you get the inner nudge of inspiration. That energy push will propel you through your resistance and into receiving.
Know that all is well and you have the answers within if you prioritize time with yourself to communicate often during this fast paced global transformation.