Your presence here on this planet at this time is no mistake or coincidence. If you are here right now, and you’re called to this podcast you have a key role to play. I’m speaking to the lightworkers, lightwarriors, changemakers, earth angels, starseeds and wayshowers today.
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We are moving through a time unprecedented in our modern history. A time of great consciousness shift that is affecting every area of society and every layer of our body from physical to mental/ emotional and spiritual.
Our awakening is quickening and amplifying and those of us who have chosen the ascension timeline to contribute are feeling increasing urgency to eradicate heavy and dense energy within us and for the entire planet and collective. We are feeling the call to pick up the light that is surrounding us and use it in our own unique way.
Spiritually, the highest vibration guides are celebrating, they are in deep gratitude and honour for the work we are taking on, and for our dedication to this beautiful destruction and recalibration back to our true nature of love, collaboration, community and harmonious interconnection.
We have been building towards this for some time, as the awakening progresses this year there is much being asked of us so the first key point I want to make is to be kind to yourself and have a sense of humor.
Our ascension is not leading us into force and structure, quite the opposite. Our ascension is leading us into joy, love and flow. When we approach ascension with obligation, energy or fear or a lot of seriousness we might feel like we’re hitting a brick wall over and over again with a water balloon, this is when we allow our mental/ emotional energy to lead. In contrast approaching ascension lightly, letting your intuition and heart lead and laughing at how the Universe is nudging you into your greatness, even in the face of the unknown and chaos goes a long way, and then you find it’s more like these balloons are filled with helium and they are lifting you up. Then you can see over the brick wall of this transition period you’re moving through and raise yourself up higher and higher with the lightness of your heart.
The second key I want to bring up right away is your discernment and trusting yourself above all else. Trusting the Divine wisdom and intelligence within you. Not your mental programming, but your heart, your true knowing. That part of you that reaches above what is seemingly going on to the higher picture and gives you directions from there.
Often times your discernment and intuition will lead you through a spiral path not a linear one – so that sense of humour can really come in handy when you are ready to throw up your hands and ask why the hell was I guided to go down that path only to arrive back where I started? Of course it’s natural to have some WTF energy when we are guided to pivot and shift directions, but coming back with laughter and openness brings back our trust energy and keeps us in alignment on the path.
Recently for me, for example in the spring I was guided to re-do all my offers. To get very clear about how I am serving and how it is highest and best for me to move forward. I spent a lot of time in the energy and was set up in alignment energetically, mentally and physically – just ready to show up and serve.
Then in the last few weeks that excitement fell flat and when I tapped into my Divine intelligence I was guided to shift my offers and focus again. I definitely had a WTF moment and some frustration before I leaned into the even more expansive energy of the shift. Once I got on board and reminded myself that this pivot is for my highest good and allows me to serve in the way most needed it allowed all the details and information to flow.
I had to move through the spiral of awareness in the Spring and into Summer to align to this timeline. It’s been a massive time of integrating growth for me and letting the pivot flow instead of resisting it and going ahead with the plan and strategy was a big part of that.
So key #2 today is paying attention to those subtle nudges. Get to know the difference between self doubt and fear and when your Divine wisdom is guiding you in a more aligned direction. Then integrate key #1 of humour so you don’t totally freak out about what is being asked of you. You will always have all the resources, support and know-how to get it done if you are feeling truly called to it. You just need to support yourself through getting in the right energy and taking inspired action.
Getting these keys into place as we move into August energies will be very helpful, because yes – things intensify more, different from July but still moving on that rapid advancement energy.
What is so exciting about August energy? All the cosmic support we have right now.
We start August and already we are in the Lions Gate Portal. This will run from late July to Mid-August with the peak of energy on 8/8. This is an annual alignment of the star Sirius and our beautiful Earth. This puts us directly in the path of light and has a bit of a similar vibe to the 7/7 portal when Sirius lines up with our Sun.
Combined with this 8/8 Lions Gate Energy (named because we are in Leo, and this portal embodies some qualities of the lion) we have a new moon directly on that date.
Let’s go ahead and add on top of that a few meteor showers, including the Aquarids and Perseids.
With all this in mind we are working with some spectacular energy for shifts, awakening, transformation, clarity and moving forward with that big ascension vision. We are invited to wake up our DNA and step into the sacred human evolution of who we really are.
As we begin August it will be beneficial to spend some quiet time with your heart/ Soul vision. Remind yourself or uncover the big vision you have. The emotions and energies that come up for you as you let yourself explore what you do want to see manifest for yourself and the collective. What is your heart and Soul calling for. As you reconnect with this and carry it with you throughout the month you will have a guiding light showing you the way.
Check in with where you are committing to yourself, your path and vision? What boundaries might need to go into place? What needs readjusting so that you are putting yourself in the best energetic, mental, physical and emotional environment to be of service?
It’s our month to move past restrictions and sabotage/ self protection patterns. When we spot these in August we are also presented with the wisdom and support to move past them – we just need to remember that stillness and heart intelligence to hear and feel that wisdom.
How can you support yourself and what shifts can you make now so that you feel more empowered, focused and clear?
We will be invited again between the 18th-24th to tap into that vision, expanding it and feeling it move through us with our spiritual senses amplified. Again in this period pivot will be highlighted and we will be guided into what restrictions must be released and how to amplify and embody our vision and bring out power, potential and purpose to fruition.
So we start the month looking at our big vision and aligning ourselves. We ramp up by 8/8 lions gate with the support of Sirius and that Lions energy. Courage to be who we really are and let go of old programming. Courage to step into our ascended DNA and claim our sovereignty and Divine mastery role in this lifetime. This is a natural time of abundance, ideas, insight, really new levels of clarity.
Again – this will be felt and themed based on the environment you are in. If your mental environment is all flustered and frustrated by your pivots that abundant clarity might fall on your deaf ears because you’re focused on lack and confusion. If you are focused on your Soul vision and hearts desire and feeling connected and grounded you will have an expansive experience with the Lions Gate energy. You’ll feel empowered and ready for whatever next steps you are guided to. Just get yourself in the right energy and these cosmic light codes will inspire you into clarity and action when the time is perfect.
Let yourself be creative and unrestricted in August. Don’t limit yourself to what you’ve done before – stretch into what else is possible? How can I collaborate? How can I express myself? How can I be of service? How can I support myself? How can I best contribute to this timeline of ascension?
Your guides and cosmic light codes are present and here to support you. Activate yourself through this ascension gateway!
In addition to this ascension energy podcast I’m also creating a guided shamanic journey to work with this Lions Gate Portal Energy that will be free for my email and community. To be sure you get access to the High Frequencies it will deliver directly to you click on the link here.
Remember in August that you are your #1 investment and priority. Even if you can get a few minutes of quiet breathing and tuning into your heart it will help you to realign to that Soul level self, joy, abundance and clarity – back to your Soul potential.