Clarity of Vision/ soul clarity has come through as a key aspect of our Divine Human journey.
There is immense power held in anchoring and layering clarity of vision with integrated personal power. When you clearly see/feel/know who you are and what you are capable of, obstacles begin to dissolve.
We get an opportunity in this space to bypass our own mental conditioning and engrained stories.
Working with the subconscious (Divine support) and the physical/ energy body (Earth support) we bring the evidence and frequencies that our mental/ ego needs to incorporate the belief and as all parts and pieces of ourselves get on that same wavelength/ agreement we more easily align to our evolutionary path.
A simple way to practice this has come in. You can read it below or listen to the quick recording I made (they vary slightly).
This key component of the divine Human is to help center in your heart/body intelligence and allows a vision/ feeling of your Soul self to be felt in the body and bypass mental resistance.
Allow yourself to center in your heart, and take a few breaths here to come to center. If you find you’re wanting to mentally figure out what you’re doing, keep coming back to the heart.
Recenter and invite the feeling of your Soul self into your body. Just ask for it and experience whatever you experience. Let the feeling increase in form and and consciously feel your inner Being of light in every cell of your body, down to your feet and into the earth.
Feel it all around you, and fill up and surround your biofield with a brilliant light from within. Focus now on your third eye and move back to your mid brain. Anchor this feeling of brilliance from within into your mid brain. Repeat to your mental self to build a bridge and connection between the feeling of your inner Being of light and your conscious mind.
Repeat to yourself, “This is who I am, this is my true nature” Visualize anchoring this as truth/ core belief in your mental body and through neural connections. Anchor this light of self into your entire auric field, even expanding it to the entire earth and further if you feel called. Notice how it doesn’t lose any of its radiance – it only amplifies as it expands.
Then call all this light that is within you back into your biofield, into your heart, into your body. “I am an expanded Being of light, I anchor my soul truth now”
Allow yourself to take a few moments to feel your soul truth. Nothing else to figure out or uncover, simply allowing the experience to unfold. Holding this memory with you as you go about your day to anchor this Divine Human trait of soul vision clarity into your life.
This practice will help to anchor and clarify your spiritual vision and remind you who you are, as well as call in synchronicities to assist on your path.