Remember to also checkout part II of this podcast for the guided shamanic journey!
We are now officially in the 2021 Pluto Retrograde. As someone who receives great joy from moving into the depths of human consciousness to uncover the truth and heal I personally love Pluto retrograde season. I will also be releasing a part II to this podcast where I will guide you on a Journey to tap into this energy – so watch out for that.
The way I see it, Pluto Retrograde is a possibility portal. We are really called over these next 5 months (April 27 – October 6 in 2021) to embrace transformation and shift more deeply into Soul embodiment and expression. Honestly so exciting!
When Pluto moves retro each year at this time we are given extra support and extra awareness that will help to expand our Soul mission. Because Pluto does invite us into the depths this period can be challenging so having some navigation tools in place will ensure that you embrace this energy more than you resist it.
As I mentioned Pluto is all about moving into Soul embodiment and expression. It brings this energy first by highlighting struggles, lessons, habits, confusion and heaviness that are not serving your Highest level expression. It points directly at the illusions and gives you everything you need to let them go and allow your natural Soul self to radiate through.
Things that are kept below the surface, like subconscious patterns that can include this lifetime, ancestral energy and past lifetimes are poking through. It makes it easier to spot the resistance you’re holding, yet having courage and awareness going into it will really give you a boost and keep you from getting sucked into the old patterns again and this time marking them complete and moving on.
Navigation through insight. Insight is the process of pausing, looking within and bringing forth clarty from your own personal Soul truth. Each of us has a different version of truth, and your version is the most valuable to you. Pluto asks that we take a big leap towards honoring ourselves and recognizing the value in our own insight.
I personally believe that our pain points are also our entry points to ascension/ awakening so one way Pluto is teaching is through your patterns, triggers and reactions. When we can apply insight to what is is showing up in our present reality, we are given a supportive opportunity to let the root cause go, to wrap up the pattern and to make a new choice going forward.
We are invited into the depths of our emotions with Pluto. For a visit. Think of our emotions like a lake. Those emotions like gratitude and joy, the energy of connection and collaboration – those are at the top of the lake. They float, and when you embody those elevated emotions you float. When you are floating it is easy to see. It’s easy to breathe and it’s quite a beautiful relaxing space to be in. Down at the bottom of the lake are our heavy emotions. Think shame, guilt, fear and dread. When we are down in these emotions it can be hard to see the brilliant sunshine on the surface. If we spend too long anchored into these emotions we start to believe the illusion that they are a natural part of who we are. Since it’s dark here at the bottom of the lake we also might not notice that within each of these clouds of heavy emotion there is a treasure chest of truth that is closed. When we allow ourselves the gift of insight, of visiting these emotions with the intention of observing, giving them a voice and letting them know we are ready to let them go – the water starts to become more clear. Maybe those treasure chests start to open up and a golden light begins to stream upwards – raising us into our Soul truth.
This is what Pluto retrograde is like. It’s like the Universe handing us divine gear and telling us it’s time to go in for a swim and let go of those old patterns so we can experience the float of Soul truth.
This float of Soul truth is where miracles can come in. We can feel them coming. We might not know exactly when they will arrive or how but we can feel it because we are more deeply connected to our Soul truth – and miracles are our Soul truth.
You have to be courageous and willing with this energy. It is always a choice to commit or not. You are being asked to remember your Soul desires, especially the ones that have been calling you for months or years that you brushed aside – maybe because you didn’t feel ready or worthy or know all the details or you couldn’t figure out how it would work. Maybe it’s a brand new Soul desire that will light you up and remind you who you are and why you are here.
Pluto retrograde is a marathon not a sprint, lasting an opportunity filled 5 months where you can choose at any point to gift yourself insight, let go and rise up.
As I mentioned this lake of emotions is a place to visit. We can take some of the magical buoyant waters with us, but ultimately the goal is to come back to our present and current Earth experience. Yet this time we are more aware. We embody more of our Soul self and now we are charged with expressing that.
So Pluto takes us on the full trip, the invite into the depths of our emotions and patterns and back into Soul truth and then through embodiment and expression so that our growth supports our life and adds to the collective timeline of awakening and ascension.
We are being reminded by Pluto that we are not a victim of circumstance or society. We are powerful creator Beings who can do this. If you are still here at this time you are needed. You are a part of the solution and the more of your Soul truth you claim, the more you are able to contribute energetically and practically through action to the future we desire. Plus it’s also way more fun when you are tapped into Soul truth. It’s not heavy and mucky and restricted like when we are living from the illusions. It’s much more buoyant.
Remind yourself who you came here to be. You have full permission to be this now. Ask yourself, on a Soul level what am I ready to share and embody? What is Pluto helping me to understand and heal so that I may move forward with this?
Remember to check out part II of this podcast, and join me on a guided shamanic journey into the energy of Pluto retrograde.