Semi spiritual retreat mode is the name I’ve given to my ‘way of life’ I’ve been living since the last New Moon and that I will very likely continue until at minimum the July 20th new moon.
TRACY GAUDET SOUL ALCHEMIST · Semi Spiritual Retreat Mode, Shamanic Initiation And Divine Co – Creation
Learn more about Rise of the Initiate here.
I’ve mentioned that I have been in co-creation mode for some time. I have been working with my divine team, meditating, writing, becoming aware, gaining clarity and depth around what I am creating, who I am and what I am here for, from the legacy level.
During this time I have often felt like I am on the path of the shaman initiate. Like this time (meaning all of 2020 so far, and continuing to amplify since June new moon) is my version of going off into the wilderness for a long period of solitude in order to embody soul wisdom and gifts and bring it back to the community. Of course most spiritual paths feel like this, and in a way I have been treading this path for the last 10 years – but this year I chose to claim my full role as wayshower and spiritual guide for emerging spiritual leaders and other wayshowers. When you set an intention and command like this things do not come out neat and tidy. Rarely will you get a linear path to follow that will guide you to how you can best show up and embody and serve.
My experience is that once you set the intention you have to be ready for the chaos of creation and all the universal forces that align to bring your command and intention to fruition.
So this semi spiritual retreat mode really allows the flexibility and openness that is required when you are co-creating your legacy and impact work.
What does it look like and what have I learned?
Spiritual retreat mode looks like space and trust.
It is having an open schedule that allows for the whims of Divine influence. It means following your intuition courageously and re-calibrating every time the path feels anything less than full bodied and flowing.
Logistically how this works, when I also have a husband, dog, 3 kids and a home and all the things?
One step at a time is the answer. One bridge at a time.
It means setting boundaries with my kids and engaging the Universe on all levels to assist with responsibility and care. Kids can be a real focus crusher on the shamanic initiation path. When you have multiple people that live with you and are home all day they can find a way to take turns popping in so it can like you never get your full spiritual groove on. This is a mindset of rush and lack. The Universe can help with this. #1 if you are using your kids as an excuse to not connect to your next level work even when you feel called to it, do some mindset work around this. Chances are there is a lurking belief that you are not supported, that you don’t have time, that you can’t do this now because of x,y or z. Get into these illusionary beliefs and let them go. Anything that gives you that vibe of lack or heaviness.
Reframe your beliefs to align with ‘I am fully supported, I am fully guided. I have this creation and spiritual desire because I am here, I am designed to fulfil it. Everything is always working out in my favor and it is amazing how things rearrange so I can spend time in this energy’
What this looks like practically is:
- Being flexible and grounded. Maintaining the vibration of peace within as often as possible. Things will not go as planned. Someone will need something when you are meditating. This is ok. This is creating adaptability, flexibility, trust and flow as well as patience. All of these come in handy when you are creating your legacy work and co-creating with the Divine.
- Call in physical support. Ask for support from family and friends to get some dedicated alone time. Take what you can and be grateful for your dedicated time. Take a few days to yourself at some point if possible.
- Be open to that Universal support I mentioned. It’s been miraculous to me how things can arrange to support me with alone time. Each of my kids getting invited out to seperate places, and leaving me 4 hours of space to work with happens miraculously often.
- Tell your kids what is up. Let them know you are meditating, and creating and how much you appreciate their help and support.
- Balance your solitude time with just for fun play. The path of co-creating in this way with the Divine is NOT meant to be serious. It is meant to be an adventure. To be joyful, curious and fun. The more of this energy you embody the more flow you will feel and the more creative you will find yourself. Take dedicated time each week to connect with your inner child by having fun. If you have kids, then hang out with them, go on adventures, play and have fun. I take each Monday afternoon off to spend on an adventure with my kids and dog and it helps keeps things grounded.
It means having talks with my husband (or insert your support person here) that lets him know that hey I’m going through a shamanic initiation and co-creating with the Divine in a pretty intense way right now so I will be weirder than normal. I won’t be fitting into his societal program standards of what ‘I should be doing’. That I am ok. That I feel great and wonderful. I am grounded and fully aware of the path I walking but yes. It is super weird, and I do not need him to understand, only be open to accepting it as much as he can. My husband happens to be a very social extrovert so he actually becomes concerned that I am not okay when I say no to outings. This path of semi-solitude isn’t for everyone!
It means priority over pressing. This was a lesson that came back into my awareness and that I really ‘got’ last week. I was attempting to do a creative task but I couldn’t get my whole heart into it. If my whole heart is not into something I am creating, I physically can not take action and wind up in a ball of anxiety and frustration that I then have to unwind. I had a task to do and it had to get done because it was pressing! I took a time out because my #1 rule is that it must feel good. If there is an energetic snag I need to pause and address it. What I uncovered was that although the task was pressing it was not a priority. My energy and internal guidance had a higher priority to express. Something that was not even on my radar for the day. Once I initiated creation of the priority, it flowed so easily and was completed maybe within an hour. This opened up the energy for that first task that was ‘pressing’ to become the priority, and it flowed out easily. What felt at first glance as procrastination was actually a message of perfectly timed expression. I learned that I must focus on my priority and adapt as required for the highest good, especially when it doesn’t make logical sense.
In semi spiritual retreat mode I am balancing between this world and the metaphysical plane. I am trusting fully in my intuition and listening closely to what feels like the highest priority.
My schedule must remain pretty open for this mode, so I do have a minimal amount of scheduled business calls, and free time built into every day.
I must follow my internal instructions. Most mornings I’m up before 6am. In the Summer, this is my natural rhythm. On days where my body needs more rest I let it happen. I don’t set an alarm unless I have to and find that just this step alone begins to get me connected to the natural cycles of the earth and start to come back to a place of coherence with the Earth.
The more coherent we are with the Earth (in touch with cycles, feeling it in our very cells) the more grounded we feel. The more easily we can embody and express our genius and the more we can flow through our own cycle of creation.
I listen to my priorities. This is the part where it can feel quite chaotic, and you will question what this priority has to do with the big picture. Most of my priorities are certain journal prompts that come to me. Sitting down and reading a book, doing research, meditation, long periods of relaxing outside. Cleaning out a closet. The less pressure you feel and the more you take action steps aligned to your flow and intuitive priorities the more you will see how everything comes together. I mentioned this work can feel chaotic if you are expecting a linear line from what you want to create to having it fully formed. If you adopt the spiral creation method, knowing that all the pieces are coming in, like random puzzle pieces that suddenly you see the bigger picture and you see why it had to come in this way. I’ll be honest this part has been challenging for me, but with MUCH practice over many years I’m loving this part of the adventure.
So what is all this creation for? Why go through this semi spiritual retreat? When you are called to a shamanic initiation it tends to not go away until you listen. I personally feel a huge calling and almost like I am drawn to this lifestyle and nothing can stop me. If I try to resist it I feel off balance, and enough time in this resistance energy I start to feel mega depressed. Often in my life have I experienced depression and gone around in circles when it was a calling for shamanic initiation. Time spent in solitude, connection within, intuitive priorities and creation.
Over the last year, I have been embodying more of my core energy. I had to first really feel this within me and live it. These last 6 months I have been pulling through an ascension system I call Rise of The Initiate. Over the last 2 weeks the information and more importantly the energy I must embody to be the guide and wayshower for this system has been pouring down on me as fast as I can integrate it into another piece is right behind.
I will be in this semi spiritual retreat place for the next few weeks as I continue to anchor the light codes and energy needed for this current highest expression of my energy, and I love it!
Now for my call out! To those who resonate with this message. Who are feeling called to their shamanic initiation, to their Divine Genius and deeper connection to their highest level service. I have been gifted a map and system that allows you to take this shamanic initiation path back to the core of who you are. Into a deeper and wider, a more richer acceptance of self. Into a place of flowing trust of your intuition and the Universal energies that support them, and finally into reintegration to the community. Expression of your gifts. This is truly the Rise of the Initiate. An un-rushed, fully embodied permanent spiritual transformation journey of initiation and mastery. All of this while still balancing everyday life. In fact this system was created for those who are in a similar circumstance for me. Deep calling for spiritual initiation but balanced with ‘real life’ commitments. Applications are open now, and all the details can be found in the show notes below.
If you feel called as an emerging spiritual leader and wayshower then it is time for you to drop any excuses and show up in your fully, expansive, brilliant self. The time for initiating this action is now.
I thank you so much for tuning in today!