To help you with the week ahead, close your eyes take a few deep breaths and then choose the card you feel called to. It’s that easy. Be confident in your choices and the more you trust your intuition, the stronger it will become. So this week we are contemplating how to make the most of this current Mercury Retrograde. It’s here, we might as well use the energy for good! Choose card 1, 2 or 3 now, then scroll down to discover your card. I had to laugh, mercury retro and and the cards are reversed this week 🙂
The Enchanted Map Oracle Cards by Collette Baron-Reid
Card 1 Wishing Well (REVERSED)
When you are manifesting or hoping for change you can’t just demand it form the Universe. You can’t force change from a negative point of “I want it and I want it now!” To take advantage of this energy you need to step back, meditate quietly for a few minutes and ask yourself what is it that I really need? The Universe doesn’t always deliver what we want, but when we are flexible and open to any outcome that benefits us it will give us exactly what we need. Take stock and pay attention to what is being delivered to you now, and consider changing your energy to a softer focus that allows the Universe some wiggle room to delight you!
Card 2 Metamorphosis (REVERSED)
You may be going through a time of change, or ‘growing pains’. If you find yourself expecting the worse when things start to become sticky, remember the caterpillar. It must be pretty daunting to wrap up in a weird, sticky nest and just relax and trust that all will be well, but that is your task. Well, minus the cocoon, but consider what you are going through right now as your cocoon. Instead of resisting, try to release the old ideas about your life, let go of being a victim be ok with the temporary annoyances around you and have faith that there is so much beauty on the other side!
Card 3 Protecting Treasure (REVERSED)
During this retrograde period it is important for you to take a look at your relationships. A relationship is 2 way, there is giving and there is receiving. If you find that you are compromising yourself in some way, ask why do you do it? Does it make you feel safe to not show your authentic self? The big lesson here is that your dream should not be held down due to wanting to appease the needs of others. There is a balance and this period gives you a time to find that balance and starting putting your highest good as your top priority.