Ok, so here is a loaded one. We all have psychic abilities and we all chose to use them (or not) at some time or another. It’s just like a muscle, if you work it out you will become more aware of it. If you totally sit on the couch and don’t do much you may very well forget you have abs, or find yourself feeling really negative about them. As in ‘do I even have abs anymore?’ Your muscles are still there, they just need some love.
It is the exact same thing with your psychic muscle if you don’t use them you start to feel like you don’t even have them. But you totally do.
Here are a few possible reasons why you may not be able to access or notice your psychic abilities right now.
You are scared. This is so totally, unbelievably normal. If you feel called to work with your psychic abilities but are totally freaked out by the prospect, this may be reason #1. We are so programmed from society in this life that it is ‘weird’ to use psychic abilities, when in reality it is as natural as using your abs! This fear can also stem from past life trauma where you may have been a victim of witch trials, or similar and that is causing you to be fearful in this life.
You try too hard. You may get frustrated that you aren’t developing your psychic gifts and as the law of attraction shows, being frustrated does not bring us what we want. If you try to hard and put pressure on yourself to develop your psychic abilities that could be the thing most stopping you.
You are not giving yourself a chance! If you watch a lot of TV, never have any quiet time or are generally thinking about ‘stuff’ constantly it is really tricky to get a message through. Even if your guides are yelling at you, if you are wrapped up in other things you likely won’t notice.
These are just a few reasons out of many that things are not moving along as quickly as you hope. To begin you may want to dedicate some quiet time every day. This doesn’t have to be a hardcore mediation practice. I recommend taking as much time as you need to let all your thoughts settle. You can do this by visualizing them floating away like clouds or by focusing on your breathing and say, counting to 5 as you inhale and counting to 5 as you exhale. Then take some time to journal or just sit quietly.
Don’t expect fireworks or an angel to show up and tap you on the shoulder (though anything is possible), instead listen for a little voice in your head, tiny sensations in your body, thoughts that don’t seem like your own or an image. These are the first little buds of your psychic abilities coming to say hello. Say hello back and express gratitude for all that you receive. If you don’t notice anything for the first 10 or so times you do this, it just means that you need to keep working the muscle.
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