Our big beautiful solar eclipse has come and gone, and our eclipse gateway is officially closed for the season. Some of you who are tapped in may have noticed that light codes are now streaming in.
The magic I can feel in the Earth is not like anything I’ve witnessed before and I can feel the ripple effect of many, many souls waking up and taking the next step in their ascension journey.
During my Eclipse Meditation and Activation one of the most pronounced pieces of this eclipse energy was the streams of light that are anchoring both directly into the Earth and into the energy bodies of lightworkers. Many of us have felt that deeply. Many who would not even categorize themselves as lightworkers also felt it.
I am noticing one specific energy anchoring and that is the energy of peace and unity consciousness.
Many will be waking up into awareness of where they are cut off from peace within themselves and what needs to shift both within and without to move more deeply into your natural state of Divine peace. Pay attention to where you feel drawn this week and make time to go within.
Here are 3 Power Moves Post Eclipse that I recommend.
Be Who You Came Here to Be
Remember, remember, remember! Not who you should be, not who would make others happy or comfortable or keep the peace and status quo - who YOU came here to be. Not defined by anything other than the pure clarity of Divine knowing. Any practice, person or place that reminds you of this truth embrace it fully now. You intuition will always guide the way in this. Maybe it’s a book, a movie, a spot in nature, a nudge to reach out to someone or go to bed early. Your Highest Self wants you to remember and is sending you signals throughout your life to help lead the way. If you are feeling stuck where to start use the words “I remember who I am” as a mantra as you ground, walk in nature or do any activity that makes you feel strong and connected. Your body, mind and energy will line up and you will begin to feel more of your truth bubbling up to the surface.
Have Grace and Compassion
Not only are those on the spiritual and personal growth path feeling the effects post eclipse but many are getting their first taste of ascension symptoms and Divine remembering. They may be feeling it consciously or subconsciously - similar to you. In this place where areas that do not align us to peace and truth are being brought to the surface have grace and compassion. Witnessing your path and the path of others through this heart lens will help you move through the contractions of growth that flow through your life in this post eclipse time.
Nourish Your Rainbow Lightbody
Your energy body has received and is receiving beautiful downloads right now. The more you are able to nourish your rainbow lightbody the more you will feel this peace and again, move through those contractions of growth with more ease and love. Go within to see what your rainbow lightbody needs to feel nourished. A few suggestions to get started: eating a rainbow of foods that nourish and support you, getting in nature, connection with the earth, sitting with bodies of water, meditation and practicing self compassion and self gratitude.
As always if you are being called to learn more about working with me click here, or join me for one of my Insight Timer live Spiritual Coaching sessions.