practical ascension
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30 Days Of Archangel Ascension
Complete this course over 30 days, or follow your own internal guidance on how to best use it.
First listen or read the intro. Listen below or download/ view the PDF here.
If you are looking for the Archangel Workshop it can be found HERE with the password sage.
AA1 Your Intuitive Connection - Archangel Uriel
In lesson 1 we connect with and meet Archangel Uriel who will guide us into a deeper state of openness and connection to our intuitive selves.
By allowing this connection to deepen and expand you allow your sensitivity and awareness of the Angelic realm to expand as well.
*Spread Joy, Love and The Light of Intuition Everywhere You Go, in doing this know that I am always with you.* - Archangel Uriel
Listen to the guided journey on day one and take note of what came up for you, how you felt connecting into Archangel Uriel, anything that came up.
AA2 Your Intuitive Connection - Archangel Uriel
Welcome to day 2 as we get to know and connect to Archangel Uriel.
To connect with Archangel Uriel settle yourself in a space where you won’t be disturbed. Optionally you can have a clear crystal, or glass to represent the clarity you are ready to open to.
Relax your body and release pressure and tension that you are holding onto. Command your third eye and crown chakra to open and engage. Feel connected to the Earth and feel your power center solar plexus open as you connect into your intuition and the natural part of yourself that is available for the Highest vibrational divine connection.
“I call forth Archangel Uriel now. I am open to a deeper Divine connection, I am open to trust, I am open to faith, thank you, thank you, thank you”
You may notice a sensation in your crown or third eye chakras, or a feeling of supportive, joyful and wise love surrounding you. Write out any questions that you have for Archangel Uriel and allow answers to flow through you. You may also ask that Uriel sends you healing and protection and grace as you open deeper to your intuitive abilities. When your time with Archangel Uriel is complete, express gratitude and let him know you are open to his healing and guidance throughout the day.
Channeled Message from Archangel Uriel:
Like so many that have come before you that have the veil of illusion placed around their spiritual seeing eyes you came into this world with the full understanding that you would forget who you really are. That you would forget your power and that it would be your journey and mission in this life to reclaim that piece of your natural human connection to the Divine, to the collective and to all that is.
-Archangel Uriel
If you feel called you can relisten to the guided journey and again invite in Archangel Uriel, notice how with repetition and practice things will become increasingly clear. After you listen, take an extra moment to connect to your power center and notice how you feel. When you allow yourself a connection and openness with your intuition can you feel your power returning? Can you feel the Divine support begin to open and expand?
AA3 Energy Care - Archangel Michael
Welcome to day 3 as we get to know and connect to Archangel Michael.
Archangel Michael is like your energetic suit of armour. His energy is strong and determining. Making choices that are aligned to your Highest potential and purpose with confidence and determination. Knowing and trusting that you are fully protected and supported.
Archange Michael comes in today to remind you that you are supported and protected and he comes in under the practical ascension aspect of energy care.
Archangel Michael is likely the most well known Archangels since he carries such a big presence, and he is ready to expand his connection to humans and his service. He is here to support all who call upon him.
Connect to Archangel Michael when:
>You are feeling confused and unsure about your direction (cut attachment to the past so that your expectations are based on what you are capable of, not what you have done in the past)
>You are feeling off energy (ask him to cleanse and clear your energy, and that of any space that you are in with his sword of vibrant blue flame and royal blue light)
>You want to stop obsessing over something (when you find something is popping into your head a lot, along the lines of I wish I would have done better, or I can’t believe they did that to me) and ask him to cut any cords of attachment, ask that he moves the subject out of your energy field and create a boundary
>When you need a boost of clarity and lightness ask Archangel Michael to come in and vacuum your energy field, to get rid of the fog of doubt and confusion and brighten up your field so you can notice the clarity that is available to you
>Cut attachment to pressure, obligation and rushing with the help of Archangel Michael
>When in doubt if something is real or illusion ask that it be surrounded in the healing and clarifying blue light of Archangel Michael. Have a look at the situation, circumstance or information again after it’s spent some time in the light and ask Archangel Michael what is true about this?
AA4 Energy Care - Archangel Michael
Welcome to day 4 as we get to know and connect to Archangel Michael.
To connect to Archangel Michael:
I call upon Archangel Michael now, please surround me with your vibrant light. Clear my energy and clear the space I am in now. I call upon Archangel Michael, I call upon Archangel Michael. And so it is, and so it is, and so it is.
Take a few breaths and visualize the royal blue energy of Archangel Michael. Notice how you feel and what you sense. Write out your experience and any questions you have for Archangel Michael.
Because Archangel Michael is all about courage, forward movement and energetic alignment he is also the perfect Archangel to ask and work with when you are committing to your life/ soul purpose. He will help you to understand how you may be holding yourself back with attachment to past experience or limitations and he can give you signs when you are headed in the right direction. You can ask him what your next steps are to move forward on your purpose or what you need to let go of in order to take that next step.
Channeled Message from Archangel Michael
“Use my fire of truth to support you in any way on your Soul purpose and mission. No job is too small or too big for my assistance. Ask for protection when driving, ask for guidance when making business choices, ask for clarity when you are having a disagreement. This sword of truth will cut through the illusion that is so easy to mistake for real. When you ask me to use the sword of truth you will be presented with a choice to stay in the illusion or come out on the other side with increased wisdom and strength. I can only present these options to you, the choice and power lies in the direction you take. You always have more than enough within you to follow through on your soul purpose and I am here to remind you of that and help you to reveal your greatness to yourself and the world. I am extremely versatile in my support, please call upon me to dissolve what no longer serves you, to strengthen clarity, truth and trust and to be your ‘sign guy’ when you are doubting the path you are on. I am here and willing to be a part of your journey. Call upon me often as it expands my energy and influence to assist with the ascension of humanity.”
-Archangel Michael
You may choose now to complete the mediation again or simply tune in as you sit with your journal and ask any questions that you have for Archangel Michael or ask for his assistance with clearing energy.
Welcome to day 5 and intro to Archangel Chamuel!
When you choose loving and supportive thoughts (yes this is a choice) you accelerate your ascension process and attune yourself to 5D living. When you hold yourself in a state of compassion and support you empower yourself to take the action that propel you forward.
Archangel Chamuel comes in on day 5 and 6 with the message that to be truly ascending you must hold yourself and others in a state of compassion, and that is exactly what he is here for.
Archangel Chamuel comes in at the mindset level, and while his energy is nurturing, supportive and could be categorized as energy care he urged me to focus on mindset and how impactful our daily thoughts are.
Spend the next few days paying attention to your thoughts. Set a reminder on your phone or calendar to check in.
What is the quality of your thoughts like? You can figure this out by how they make you feel, high quality thoughts life you up, lower quality feel heavy.
Are you holding yourself in judgement or compassion? Are you hard on yourself or do you easily forgive and let go of perceived slip ups?
What thoughts do you hold towards others? Are you focusing on the negative about them or having compassion for them on their journey?
When you are aware of your thoughts tune in to Archangel Chamuel to help bring pink and green compassion light to your thoughts, beliefs and mindset. This starts as a choice in the heart and naturally expands up to the mind and through the energy field.
Welcome to day 6 and our 2nd day with the amazing and supportive Archangel Chamuel!
Connect to Archangel Chamuel with your feet on the ground (he reminds me of the importance of being grounded, present and mindful), focus on your heart chakra, call in Archangel Chamuel, visualize a gentle sage green light and breathe into your heart as you again call in Archangel Chamuel. Please help me to offer compassion to myself, to my thoughts, to my body. Be open surround any thoughts that have been coming up with green and pink compassion light. Know that you are doing your best and you are doing amazing. Release and let go of self judgement and let Archangel Chamuel know that you are ready to choose high quality thoughts. Remember that you can call upon him (Chamuel is one of those angels that is a 50/50 split of male and female so see what comes up for you) anytime you are noticing a pattern of low quality thoughts and he will come in to help soften them and bring into compassion.
You can also connect with Archangel Chamuel for any relationship issues, ask him to fully surround you and the other person in compassion light. Ask that the conflict between you be dissolved in compassion light. Breathe into your heart for a few minutes until you feel that compassion and peace. Often times when you do this a resolution will come to you or the conflict will simply dissolve.
Channelled message from Archangel Chamuel
“To use compassion as a tool is Divine. When you move throughout your day holding the light of compassion you light the way for yourself and that same light that you hold will begin to emit energy to inspire others to hold their light of compassion. I celebrate the Unity of humanity as you all hold as much light as we Archangels do, yet you are in such a dense physical form. Emotions feel bigger and conflict is easy to arise so it is important as often as you can to choose to light the flame of compassion for yourself and for others. First in your heart and your thoughts and then to the world. You are Divine, you are brilliant and as you light your way with the flame of compassion you expand into miraculous possibilities.”
-Archangel Chamuel
Connect to Archangel Chamuel today or honor him by paying attention to your thoughts and choosing compassion over judgement, choosing peace over pressure and choosing trust over doubt. You are incredibly loved by this Archangel!
Welcome to Day 7 of Ascension with the Archangels. Today we are greeted by Archangel Sandalphon. Immediately he reminds us of the power of our choices. In our choices we get to decide if we will expand and evolve, ascended and move into our potential or if we will stay the same, remain where we are and observe life more than interact with it.
Whatever your choice is, stay committed to it (as long as it feels right) and you will get all you need out of it. Have faith and trust in your choices, you always know your best path and there are some indicators to remind you that you are on the best one for you.
Today and tomorrow we will be feeling into your path forward, deciding on a direction or getting more clarity on the direction you are already moving. It is important that you practice intuitive choice making or choosing with your heart for this process as you will get the most expansive, aligned result.
When choosing with your heart simply take a moment to tune in, become centered, breathe into your heart for a minute and pay attention to how you feel. Ask your body to show you what the highest and best path feels like for you. Notice what comes up. Ask your body what does a path that does not serve me feel like.
Notice the difference. Commit to choosing the paths that align best to what is Highest and best and what serves you. These are the paths where you will find fulfilment, success and more of who you are on a Soul level. They are also the paths where you will be invited to heal the parts of yourself that are ready to dissolve and let go because they are programs, they are not who you truly are and as you release them you will continue to feel increasing clarity and lightness. Know that as you move forward on these paths you will also be presented with all the teachers, healers and resources to make the most of it. You will always be fully divinely guided and supported.
Listen to the guided journey with Archangel Sandalphon to feel his full support, guidance and receive angelic light codes to deepen your awareness of the highest path forward for you.
Welcome to Day 8 and another day with Archangel Sandalphon!
He again encourages us to take stock of the path we have chosen. If you were to create 2 lists, the 1st that listed every choice and action you took and the 2nd of your values, goals and dreams. Would they match up? Would the daily actons you make and choices you take line up to where you feel drawn to be, do and have?
Today Archangel Sandalphon reminds of the power of everyday choices and actions, the little things that add up. Everything you do is a choice. Somethings might not feel like it, for example paying bills or looking after your kids but it is all a choice. When you see it this way it becomes more empowering and you begin to see the great power in each of your choices.
To connect to Archangel Sandalphon, be present in your body. Drink some water. Get comfortable. Smile. Connect to and visualize the beauty of the Earth, the immense support that she provides. Feel gratitude for your connection to the Earth and for your path (even if you don’t feel like you know what that means), from here call in Archangel Sandalphon for guidance, grace and support on your path forward.
What are some of the possibilities and potentials open to you on your path? What direction do you want to go? The gift is in the choice. Make a choice and take a step in that direction today, you will be fully supported by Archangel Sandalphon. See the doors of possibility as presented by Archangel Sandalphon and as you choose to open one he walks with you through the door.
Channeled Message from Archangel Sandalphon
“You expand or contract your potential by the choices you make. Become centered and present. Be in your body. This is where you will feel the truth of your choices. When you are aware in your body you notice the subtle truth impulses that come forth to indicate you are going in the right direction. Trust those subtle impulses and act on them and their strength and clarity will expand and make your path so clear and known that there is no other question or direction in your mind. Once you have this singular focus and direction you attract all the pieces and all the miracles to make it happen. You attract the full support of the Universe to bring your Soul desires to fruition.”
-Archangel Sandalphon
Archangel Christiel
Archangel Christiel is our guide today, and such an absolute pleasure to connect with. She is one of the Archangels that work in higher realms so her energy can be subtle, yet once you tap in and tune into it (and give yourself some time to do so) her presence is one of great wisdom, peace, beauty and insight.
Her energy, to me, feels like an entire field of the most magnificent glowing flowers all bloom in unison.
When we connect to Archangel Christiel we are guided to let go of illusions that we are placing around ourselves and transmute it into understanding, pure love, grace and trust. When you are ready to let go of limiting programs and feel Divine support in the most miraculous and magical ways Archangel Christiel is here for you.
Complete the guided journey today with Archangel Christiel.
Archangel Christiel
To connect with Archangel Christiel, get grounded. Call upon her by name 3 times in a row or write it out on paper. Ask her to deliver a visual or feeling to you to help you connect in deeper. Be patient with the process and be mindful of subtle energy. Ask her how you are holding on to illusion or past expectation and hand over the attachment for her to dissolve. Ask how you can more fully step into and accept who you are. Ask her to guide you and energize you with wisdom and inspiration as you do so.
Channelled message from Archangel Christiel
“It is time, Divine one, that you embrace the natural elegance that is unfolding for you. When you look at small stands of information, that which is right in your face and feels very real, you can get caught up in the illusion of ‘what is’. I invite you to take small periods of time to feel into what is possible. What exists for you on a Soul level. What aspects of yourself are waking up and ready to bloom and which illusions are casting shadows and shading the petals from fully expanding. I am here to shine my brilliant light on these illusions so you may choose to release them. I am also here to shine my brilliant light on that which is ready to bloom so that you may understand more of your potential. Release attachment to who you think you ‘should’ be and embrace who you are. I am here as a guiding light when you call upon me.”
-Archangel Christiel
Archangel Haniel
Imagine having an incredibly relaxing bath under a full moon on a clear night. As you soak in the healing and clarifying energies of the moon you are surrounded in gratitude and peace. Struck by the balance, beauty and rhythm of life. Grateful for the times of rest and the times of action. Grateful because in this moment you fully understand that you are honoring yourself and that everything happens in it’s own time. You feel the inner balance and trust in knowing what you need and miracles and peace that follow listening to your inner nudges.
This is the magic, intuition and flow that Archangel Haniel brings.
Feeling your way forward, tuning in and trusting your intuitive nudges and allowing the miracles and ease to flow. Archangel Haniel understands the bigger picture of things and helps you to stay patient so that you may allow greater amount of Divine assistance and not force or rush so much.
Archangel Haniel
How to connect with Archangel Haniel:
Connect to yourself, the present moment and get grounded. Visualize a beautiful moon (in any phase) In your head or out loud state: I call Archangel Haniel now, thank you, Archangel Haniel, thank you, Archangel Haniel, thank you. Breathe in and allow her misty, glowing, nurturing, soft, illuminating silver energy to surround and support you. Ask for her guidance and support in tuning into your intuition for your own flow, balance and wellbeing.
Channelled Message from Archangel Haniel
Ascension is a delicate process and it can feel hard at times when you are pushing against your own natural rhythm and cycles. Everything will come at it’s perfect time. Give yourself the gift of compassion and patience during this time. Embrace your inner cycles and nudges and you will be rewarded with an ease and flow that allow you to rise above challenges, feel the bigger picture and move forward with grace and trust.
-Archangel Haniel
Archangel Jophiel carries with her an experience, a wise and understanding energy that reminds us that we are part of a much larger plan. She reminds us that we are infinite being of pure potential and that events and circumstances do not simply happen to us. That there is a greater beauty and symmetry in all that occurs around us.
She reminds us to look at nature and how chaos and even landscapes such as the desert that do not appear to support life can suddenly spring forward with overflowing abundance.
She reminds us that beauty, order and abundance are sometimes just below the surface and that we must trust and appreciate the love and abundance often times even before we see the physical ‘reality’ of it.
Channelled message from Archangel Jophiel
“There is magic and miracles at every turn when you see things from my perspective. There is intricate order in everything that is occuring for you. Every piece reveals itself at the perfect time to feel the next. When you let yourself into the beauty and wonder of the bigger picture you grant yourself access to see Divine beauty in everything. Looking at a rose it is easy to see how intricate and detailed the program within the seed is at the smallest level to create such a high vibrational beauty. If that is the detail that goes into the design of a single rose can you just imagine the details that goes into the design of you, of your experience? Let yourself feel the beauty of you, of your story and of all that is unfolding. Remember that we see the abundance and connection after we trust and have faith that it already there.”
-Archangel Jophiel
To connect with Archangel Jophiel
Breathe into your heart. Have a flower nearby, beautiful fabric or colors or something that represents beauty to you. Allow yourself to feel the energy of abundance that it gives off. Everything fits together and there is beauty in every step. Feel into the energy of this for a few minutes as you set the intention to call forth Archangel Jophiel. Ask her to shine here light and help you see a situation or part of yourself with new eyes. Surround the situation with her light and see what comes out on the other side.
Peace. Such peace. That is the most striking part I notice about Archangel Azrael. Even in the most trying circumstances his energy of peace shines so brightly and consistently that when you choose to connect to him and nurture that connection he will guide you time and time again into deeper levels of peace.
Archangel Azrael asks us to soften our attachment and connection to pain, especially as it relates to grief and continually send it to the angels where it can be transmuted into peace. Grief can show up in many ways, from losing a loved one, to letting go of a piece of yourself, to things not working out the way you expected to the grief of obligation and feeling like you are treated unfairly - self grief. He is here to help you on a daily moment by moment basis to bring closure and peace so that you may become re-empowered to stand tall in peace, compassion and purpose.
To connect to Archangel Azrael. You need only to call upon and ask for him. Be sure you are open. A simple I am open and I call upon Archangel Azrael now, thank you. Repeat that a few times and notice any changes you feel in your energy. He encourages you to gather up what is causing you pain and suffering, and had it over to him. Write it down on paper before you go to sleep or mentally pass it over during meditation. He wants you to let go of heaviness and be open to peace. When we embody the energy of peace we make choices that are for our highest good and we can see solutions that in a state of pain are not available to us. Sit in his energy and allow yourself an experience all your own.
Enjoy and notice what comes up when you connect into Archangel Azrael, he asked that the recording come out the 2nd day he is featured so you could get a vibe for his energy first.
Archangel Azrael reminds us that we have the power to transform, and this is why he placed himself in the category of the transformation and alchemy. As humans we can transform great loss and suffering into peace, forgiveness, compassion and empowerment for the better.
Channelled Message from Archangel Azrael
“In times of transition I am here. In times of grief and loss I am here. I am always here when called upon and you only need to invite me in for this energy of peace to wash over you. When you are in the deepest pain, my energy will help you to come up for air and remember a small glimpse of what peace feels like. This small glimpse can expand and spiral into compassion which will only move your healing journey deeper. I am always available for you when you need peace. Peace is your natural state and through the lessons you choose to learn in this life it can feel like peace is separate from you but in fact it is always within you and I can help to reignite that. Call upon me.”
-Archangel Azrael
Archangel Metatron sees a beautiful vision for the future. One of ascension, empowerment and unity. He also sees the work still to be done to transmute lower vibration and move into a state of self belief, self love, empowerment and potential He, above all else is a guide for raising your vibration in any way necessary. This might mean bringing in energy and visuals to make you laugh or lighten the mood. It may mean lining you up with a person who will help you to raise your vibe. It can also mean assisting to be sure you get the information and guidance you need to move forward on your path.
I have worked extensively with Archangel Metatron in the Akashic Records and he comes through in readings when I see someone that has a natural ability to access the records to give me a nudge that they are ready to go deeper.
His large and expansively supporting and light energy is incredibly powerful have fun with the guided journey today and see what comes up for you.
To connect to Archangel Metatron. Pull up an image of ‘Metatron’s Cube’ to help call him in and connect. Set the intention that you are ready to connect with and work with Archangel Metatron. I am open to my potential and path. I am open to receive guidance and raise my vibration now with his help.
Channelled Message
“Be aware of who you are on a greater, Soul level. Understand that you are incredibly worthy and loved and that it is safe to accept this truth. You were born with everything you need within you and it is your path to remember and uncover this. As you accept more of who you are, more of your worth, your value and your unique perspective and abilities you will flourish and ascend. You will be the way shower for others. You are moving ahead of the curve right now and it can be a confusing space because not everyone is there yet. You chose this path and you chose to step up a leader in this time. The path will continue to reveal itself as long as you have self-belief. Call upon me for guidance on your path and potential and to help cleanse and clear your energy.”
-Archangel Metatron
If you choose, complete the guided journey with Metatron again today and see what comes up and how your experience with him will deepen each time you practice.
Archangel Zadkiel is an alchemist Archangel, you may be familiar with St. Germain? Archangel Zadkiel works with that same violet flame energy to help transmute and dissolve what no longer serves you.
Work with Archangel Zadkiel by asking him to dissolve specific limiting beliefs and programs, surround you and fill up every cell of your body with the violet flame to help dissolve attachment and habits that do not support you. When you work with Archangel Zadkiel and the violet flame all that you transmute is replaced by unconditional love, support and forgiveness.
To connect to Archangel Zadkiel
Archangel Zadkiel, please surround me with healing love and light. I am open and ready to make choices that support myself, my potential and power. Please help guide and support me on my journey to step into more of who I truly am and let go of illusions that I am separate from Source. I am open to my own transformation and healing now.
Channelled Message from Archangel Zadkiel
“ In every moment you have the opportunity and blessing of choice. You get to decide if today, in this moment you will allow yourself to let go of limitations struggle and lack and accept in its place Divine assistance, unconditional love, support and guidance. It is always a choice for you, even when it does not feel that way. Surround yourself with the violet flame in your minds eye and you will be surprised how often 5 minutes of focus can shift your entire perspective, vibration and point of attraction. Ask yourself is this how I choose to feel today or am I running a program that no longer serves me? As you consciously choose your focus and vibration you become a powerful conscious co-creator and allow the magic of the Universe to work through you. “
-Archangel Zadkiel
Archangel Ariel has been my long standing go to angel for personal power, strength, stability and focus. She is a powerful force. She comes to us within this collective of Practical Ascension Archangels to remind us that when we are grounded, when we accept our power and when we are focused we are powerful co-creators and anything is possible for us.
Archangel Ariel is your cheerleader, but she’s the type that will also give it to your straight when you are holding back - so I guess she’s more like a coach than a cheerleader. She will give you signs and encouragement when you are focused on your highest potential and she will turn away and tell you to sit on the bench when she knows you are holding back. This is not to punish you, but to get your attention focused within. She knows that with your focus on outside circumstances you may miss the highest opportunity available to you. Yet when you look within you get a glimpse of it and will recognize it in your day to day life and feel a surge of power from her that even if you are scared she is there with you supporting you all the way.
How to connect to Archangel Ariel:
Channeled Message from Archangel Ariel:
Ideally in nature, or with your pets by your side. Create in your mindseye what it feels like to be connected to the Earth. To be a part of it. To be the grass receiving the sun or the river flowing through the rocks. From this grounded, connected place call forth Archangel Ariel. You may notice her greet you with a brilliant yellow light. The light of self belief, focus and confidence. Tune into this and see what messages come up for you from Archangel Ariel.
“Stand tall in your power. Feel your connection above and below. Know that this magnetic connection that you have to the Earth, to all of nature, to the very core of the Earth and its magnetic field is part of your signature. As humans you have a unique signature that enables you to be the conduit between the physical and the non-physical. You create it in your mind and energy field and can call it into physical reality. This is a miracle! You can create and be the conduit for the Divine. You have decided before this lifetime how you will impact the ascension process and it is no mystery! Every time you feel drawn to go somewhere, talk to someone, read a book, study a subject, heal yourself, treat your body right and so many more opportunities, you are being guided by your Higher Self into your potential and impact. You are doing beautifully with this. The more you stay connected to the present, to the Earth, allow your power to flow from the Divine through you and express that energy with a powerful focus the more you will feel yourself expand into your potential and the more you will remember about what you have decided upon before this life.”
-Archangel Ariel
Archangel Jeremiel has a very fine, high frequency energy. Like he could be around helping and healing and you don’t notice him as much as a refinement of your frequency. So you feel lighter, you just feel better. He slips down into daily life to help us let go of the past, of expectations that are causing frustration, upset and heaviness in our lives.
How to Connect to Archangel Jeremiel:
Because Archangel Jeremiel also works beautifully in dreams to provide clarity, insight and healing try this practice to connect to his energy and start to make the most of your dreamtime. Before you go to bed write out what you are ready to let go of and/or what you are ready to get clarity on. Address it to Archangel Jeremiel and ask that he guides and helps you to heal during your sleep. Take a moment to call him in and visualize passing him the note/ journal. Send gratitude and thank him in advance. As soon as you wake up, don’t move. Take a few minutes to recall anything you can from your sleep time and what felt most prominent. Have fun with the process and if you resonate do it consistently for some really powerful angelis help as you sleep.
Channelled Message from Archangel Jeremiel:
“Just like a feather floating down on a calm day I can descend into your daily life to help untangle you from the restrictions of the past. Call upon me in your waking or sleeping state and I will be available for your assistance. You have to ask for my help specifically as I can not intervene unless you request it. See gentle bubbles of light and feathers surrounding and cleaning what you are ready to let go of and dissolve so you can move forward with more of your Soul level self at the forefront”
-Archangel Jeremiel
In order to heal our physical bodies we need only get out of the way! Our bodies are incredible and if we had no resistance, no beliefs that we could not instantly heal - our bodies would do just that - instantly heal and create minute by minute miracles!
However that is not what we signed up for at this time on Earth and we have entire belief systems that create resistance to self healing so Archangel Raphael is here to help us work with what we have.
Not only does Archangel Raphael step in to assist physical healing, he also calls for peace on all levels. When we are in a state of peace and flow in the first place then a dis-ease does not get an opportunity to manifest. Our inner environment simply does not allow it.
So the bigger picture of wellbeing all falls under Archangel Raphael’s wheelhouse.
How to Connect with Archangel Raphael
Set the intention that you are open and ready to call in and work with Archangel Raphael (you may notice he comes in naturally when you are working with other Archangels and there is a physical element to your healing). Breathing into your heart chakra. Connected to the Earth. Visualize a soft green light that increases in intensity until it is a vibrant emerald green color. Feel gratitude in your heart for Archangel Raphael. Ask that he deliver healing energy to you, healing assistance to you and that he arrange all pieces, people, circumstances, medicines so that your healing journey bee smooth and clear. Breathe gratitude in your heart and feel your supportive connection to the Earth. Thank you for my healing, thank you Archangel Raphael. Visualize yourself inside this emerald light in perfect health and perfect peace. Repeat this process anytime you want to send healing energy to others. I often will hold my kids in a space of Archangel light to speed up cold and stomach bugs. Picturing those (including you) you wish to be healed in perfect health is key here, feeling gratitude for the healing and peace. When you empower the body to self heal amazing things can occur. When you see others or yourself as a victim of physical dis-ease you disempower the natural self healing process. Always focus on the best feeling thoughts and let go of heaviness and pity when working with Archangel Raphael to allow for maximum Divine flow.
Channelled Message from Archangel Raphael
“Feel your physical body. Close your eyes and allow yourself to become fully present in your physical body. There are many lessons and experiences you sign up for when you enter this lifetime, if you are experiencing discomfort there is a lesson from your Soul, from your inner body wisdom that ready to be understood and healed. If you empower yourself and trust the healing process of your body and intuition going where you feel guided you will receive the answers to the lessons. There are many ways to allow the healing process to unfold, stay open minded and curious and always follow where your body wisdom guides you, as it knows the fastest path back to peace and balance.”
-Archangel Raphael
Archangel Gabriel
Archangel Gabriel carries with her a crystal pure energy of expression. I notice often when she is reaching out to me that I hear a slight angelic music in my ears. I also notice that Archangel Gabriel reaches out often to connect with those who are keen to expand and develop their clairaudience. She is a powerfully ally for developing this intuitive sense.
She will often send messages to us through songs on the radio, commercials, something that is stuck in your head for no reason. When you find this happening really listen and see if there are any lyrics or emotions that jump out at you from the song as it is an Archangel Gabriel message just waiting to be acknowledged.
If clear communication with any Archangel is something you desire Archangel Gabriel can also help facilitate that exchange.
Call on her anytime you need a hand with communication in any way.
How to Connect with Archangel Gabriel
To connect with Archangel Gabriel visualise your throat chakra opening up like a blooming trumpet shaped flower. Set the intention to call forth Archangel Gabriel and allow your crown and ear chakras to open and expand. You may notice that you hear a tone or sense a metallic taste, feeling or sight. Breathe in this energy for a few minutes to center within it and then communicate with Archangel Gabriel! She is the Archangel of communication afterall. Ask how you can more easily express yourself, market your business, understand others, how to move forward through the power of communication.
Channelled Message from Archangel Gabriel
“You are filled with the most beautiful gemstones, and music and art and creativity, yet most humans hide this deep within themselves out of imprinted fears of what may happen if they allow those deeper parts of themselves to really shine through. I am here to guide you along your path of expansion into more of who you truly are on a Soul level and in that way the role I play in practical ascension is to first allow you to communicate to yourself who you are, that you are worthy, deserving, magical, creative, brilliant, unique and that your voice and expression are needed right now in this world. Once you start to experiment and express yourself you gain courage and energetic traction to share it with the rest of the world and then you are moving forward on your path with the energy of an uplifting tune to keep you flowing forward. Trust the tune that you are called to sing.”
-Archangel Gabriel
Archangel Raziel empowers you to trust your inner knowing, to develop and focus on your inner vision to see past illusions straight to truth.
When things get crazy around you, and it feels like you are standing still or moving backwards is when Archangel Raziel comes in strongly to remind you that you have immense wisdom, that the discomfort and chaos are temporary and that you have all you need within you to become the observer, detached from what you ‘see’ in front of you to get to the truth of the matter and rise above.
How to Connect with Archangel Raziel
Call upon Archangel Raziel by stating your intention to connect with him. Repeat his name 3 times. Set the intention that you are open to connect more deeply to your inner wisdom and be made aware where illusions are coming up for you. Ask him to help you understand situations, circumstances and move toward solution energy with wisdom and grace.
Channelled Message from Archangel Raziel
“There is no wisdom more powerful than a quiet internal understanding of yourself. An understanding that it is you who set these events in motion, and it was to serve your highest good and the highest good of all of humanity. While circumstances can feel big and in your face emotionally know that you always have a home, a quiet retreat where you can connect to your inner wisdom and grace and see past illusion. This is available to you now, and you do not need special training or practice to connect to your wisdom and see past illusion, you only need the desire to do so and so it is.”
-Archangel Raziel
Message me on Facebook here or email tracy@tracygaudet.com with any questions.