6 Tools of Ascended Co-Creation in Times of Transition – this came about as I was designing my Ascended Cocreation Practice and flows with the keys to cocreation in times of transition.
As lightworkers and changemakers our cocreation mission is being amplified right now. We are called now, more than ever before, to rise up in empowerment to be the change we wish to see, to honor our soul desires and anchor our reality in this space.
We are called to live less of the hive mind and old programs and to embrace our unique divine nature and purpose instead. We are called to be the puzzle piece to awakening that we claimed for our life before this incarnation.
In this way we anchor the new earth timeline and shift rapidly into our soul truth and divine nature.
These tools will help you on your path, and when used with the keys of co creation will empower you to co create the reality of your soul desires. This ascended version of manifesting is focused less on material gratification and more on claiming your role, deepest soul desires and truth.
When we work in this space the material world will naturally unfold in ways that enhance our reality, the Universal Laws see to that. With our co-creation focused on the bigger picture and our puzzle piece of the bigger picture we settle into a peace and empowerment that echoes through all aspects of our lives.
Now onto the 6 keys.
Tool 1 is vision.
Create the vision, feel the emotion. Use a vision board, mind movie or a guided journey to connect you to your sacred vision as you settle into the energy of gratitude and receptivity. The emphasis as this came through was to be in a state of soul truth and harmony with your vision, in this state you are connected to the quantum realm and can rapidly shift your experienced reality.
The quality and why of your vision also plays a role here. We are in times of ascension and transition and we are being asked to create a reality that we may not yet be able to see in physical form. We are called to use the power of our soul connected imaginations to create on the quantum level what we desire. To be connected to our desires. To recognize the difference between soul desire (deep calling and inspiration) and preferences.
For example a soul desire may be to create a sanctuary for abused women to heal from their trauma and remember their true Divine nature. A preference may be that it has to happen in a specific time frame or location. Your job is to clarify your deep, soul emotional connected desires and create the vision, the details of which will get colored in, in much more magical ways then you could have imagined.
So it’s not about totally releasing control – you still want to have your unique and creative vision, but your preference is more of an energy of ‘I love them all, I’m going to let the Universe surprise me’ knowing full well that you will get everything you desire and more.
This switch to focus on the big picture, the emotion, the expansion of the vision is what is important. Color it with whatever you have on hand, and whatever details come to mind in the moment of the vision but don’t try to define and contain your vision so much that it squeezes the magic out of it. This is meant to be fun, free and unrestricted.
Tool 2 is remember and repeat.
This tool is so simple and so powerful. Our mental energy (that is still working its way through thousands of years of distortion and programming) plays a significant role in the effectiveness of our conscious co-creation. The simple act of remembering who you are and other truths about yourself and your reality massively shift your frequency and point of attraction. Create a repetition and reminder of who you really are. Create I am statements that match your vision and soul truth. These do not need to be complex and they do not need to stay consistent. To really work with these creations I make statements that make you feel connected, that make you feel the truth of who you are and then repeat them like a catchy song in your head. Eventually you will shift your default programming in your mental energy and shift up in mental vibration, thus clarifying your beacon and intention to the Universe.
If you are in a challenging mental space try using a statement such as Sat Nam or Om Mani Padme Hum or similar to begin affecting your frequency and bypassing the mind, then when you start to feel more like your true self tap into an I am statement that resonates specifically for you. Some of my personal mantras are ‘I am wealth, I am ease, I am creativity, I am peace, I am joy’ and ‘ I am the wayshower of ascension, I am a Divine conduit of illumination’. Say it and feel it shifting your mental frequency.
Tool 3 is to harmonize.
Harmonize all parts of yourself for coherent instructions to the Universe. Relax your nervous system, rise above old programs, relieve pressure of attached outcome, fear and lack. There is a lot included in this tool. This tool would encompass any practice you do that brings about self regulation, self empowerment and personal mastery. Mindfulness/ self awareness are a key piece of this tool. When you are mindful and notice you are feeling or acting in a way that is not your true self you have the opportunity to make a new choice. To harmonize with the larger part of yourself. Your emotions are the indicators of your inner harmony. Notice challenging emotions? It’s time to engage this tool and lean into them – what are they indicating, what are they telling you. My personal favorites are journal and my shamanically guided version of EFT tapping as well as mindfulness.
When you harmonize you are noticing what is not you, and you’re making a new choice in some way. Sometimes your mindfulness is all it takes. Other times your ingrained patterns require a little more exploration and releasing so you can feel that reconnection of harmony once again.
Tool 4 is discernment.
Be mindful of old patterns as your future self who has already moved through them. Forgive, release, move on – non-issue, no thank you. It’s easy to shift! This is a partner to tool 2, to harmonize. This is the mindful awareness piece to discern when you are living your past (conditioned) self and when you are in the present.
This is as simple as you notice old ways of thinking and patterns and call it out to yourself. Forgive yourself, love yourself and repeat your I am statement to get back to your true vibration.
You don’t beat yourself up for old habits or thinking. The exact opposite. You embrace yourself as you would a child learning to walk. You have these habits and ways of thinking due to past circumstances (this life or another) and you have the power to shift it. No need to fight it, just embrace it and move on with your new, consciously chosen frequency.
This is where I will implement my shamnic EFT practice for old programs that are sticky and keep coming back or creating further distortion in your reality.
Tool 5 is to attune to gratitude.
Get into the habit and frequency of gratitude. Connect, expand. Love living your life in the timeline of soul desires. Thank you! Yes, more please. This tool is very well known and works with all the other tools in your toolbox. Get into the habit of noticing when the Universe sends gifts and messages your way and get really good at receiving, celebrating and expanding that gratitude. You can start small with this one to let the Universe know you are ready to play. See a repeating number pattern? That’s a gift from the Universe – pause and take a few seconds to receive, celebrate and expand and anchor gratitude. See a beautiful sunset or tree. Mentally and energetically let yourself celebrate as if you just got the greatest gift in the world.
This habit of appreciation of everyday magic signals to the universe to bring more in, increasing your intuitive connection, ability to receive an abundance of experiences, things and circumstances to be grateful for.
Tool 6 is to take inspired action or inaction.
Make time and space for quiet connection with yourself. Journal, walk or contemplate. This allows your higher wisdom to come through so you can do your part, take action and allow the universe and miracles to rush in.
Trying to fill your time with busy monkey mind action is nowhere near as powerful as taking the time to first check in with yourself and see what you FEEL like doing creates inspired action. And what it seems you don’t know what to do? That is just an old habit from the past. You always know what to do. This doesn’t mean you know everything – sometimes the answer for what to do is to reach out to someone, ask a question. Go watch a movie, drink some water, step away from the computer. The answer may not be what you prefer but it will be what you need. This is a great opportunity for an I am statement. ‘I am connected to my inner knowing, I am clear, I am focused, I am aligned, thank you for this clarity!’
And the 6 tools to co creation are:
Tool 1 Vision
Tool 2 Remember and Repeat
Tool 3 Harmonize
Tool 4 Discernment
Tool 5 Attune to Gratitude
Tool 6 Take Inspired Action
If you are feeling the nudge to make 2023 the year you empower yourself to cocreate from a place of soul desires learn more about developing your mastery here.