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What exactly is intuition?
Some might call it your sixth sense, your connection to the Universe or simply your connection to your spirituality. For me the term intuition and psychic sense are pretty interchangeable, but I find that people are less intimidated by ‘intuition’. It’s your connection to your inner voice, to that gut feeling. It’s your connection to the Divine with you and thus connecting you to your Guides, Source, the Universe and on and on.
You’re always connected
We are all at a different level of how connected to our intuition we are. Wherever you are is perfect for you. There are always messages and signs coming through for you, but many of us are too busy to notice. busy with other things in our head, busy with worrying about the future or reviewing the past.
Intuition hits when you are in the present moment – like a flash. A flash that you can learn to work with, to question, to get more clarity on and develop infinitely.
Intuition helps in nearly every area of life to gain confidence to make choices that advance our growth and potential, to guide us towards manifesting what we want by following the signs.
When you find something interesting I encourage you to go learn more. It’s these little nudges that we need to follow. Interested in crystals? Oracle cards? Chakras? Visualizing? Meditating? Journaling? Personally, my interests started off in learning about dreams, working in them, lucid dreaming. Then I got into law of attraction, and chakras (because they are so organized and I love that) and things spiraled from there as I allowed myself to study and take courses on my interests. I now have a full wheelhouse of spiritual tools and knowledge that is every expanding as we all are.
Easy Ways to Connect Now
You can start to connect with your intuition today, baby steps can take you far. Like everything I mention, give it a try and if you love it keep going if it’s not for you then move on!
1. Follow your interests. When something gets you excited learn more about it and be open to possibilities. This may seem simple but as you do it you are already using your intuition!
2. Get quiet whenever you can. If you can’t start a meditation practice right now, aim for 5 minutes of quiet time a day, or just enjoy the time you get in the shower! I am personally not a consistent meditator (aspiration) but taking a few minutes of quiet time is a must every day.
3. Ask yourself a question. Then just be quiet for a while and see what comes up. Generally, when you get an answer from your ego you’ll want to ignore that. You’ll know it’s from your ego because it doesn’t make you feel good. When it’s from your intuition and higher vibrations you feel good when you hear it, even if it’s not the answer you had hoped for. With practice, you’ll find that the first answer that pops into your head before you have time to think of it and cloud it with rationalizing.
4. Start a dream journal, and before you go to sleep at night make an intention that you will remember your dreams. When you wake up record what you remember with a focus on how you felt in your dreams. Ask yourself where else in your life do you feel like that? Is there something that needs to shift or that you need to appreciate more?
5. Journal and write about anything and everything that you feel like. Make a habit of this. It gets things out of your head onto paper so will help to clear mental clutter preventing you from connecting with your inner knowing.
6. Declutter your area. It may seem simple, but physical clutter contributes to mental clutter. This is especially powerful if clutter makes you feel anxious. Tidy it up – and don’t forget your closets. Often our closets or hidden areas are a symbol of our hidden inner world.
7. Take steps to open your chakras and connect with the Earth. As a simple way to begin, focus on your appriciation for the Earth and let that vibration fill up every cell in your body. This will start to open your root and heart chakra. Traditionally intuition comes in:
- Claircognizance, clear knowing into your crown chakra
- Clairvoyance, clear seeing into your third eye chakra.
- Clairaudience, clear hearing into your throat and ear chakras.
- Clairsentience, clear feeling into your solar plexus chakra (gut feeling)
However developing a strong grounding connection is key here so as you open up you feel safe and support, and afterall the more we connect to our intuition the more we need to ground to the earth to balance our energy.
8. Buy a deck of oracle or tarot cards and begin to play with them. It’s that simple! Have fun do readings for friends 🙂
9. Ask the Universe (or God, Source, Guides – whatever!) to give you a sign as to how you can best open your intuition. Then keep your senses open. Messages come in a HUGE variety of ways. For me, songs, commercials, articles that are shared on social media, a book I feel like picking up and the like are all ways I consistently get information that isn’t direct through my clair senses – but equally accurate and fun!
If you are interested in getting serious about your intuitive development, check out my Intuitive Business Alchemy Courses.