Although 2019 came in with power, focus and determination it doesn’t mean we need to do it all right now. In fact some of us are feeling like we are bumping up to our resistance again, as in where did that fresh 2019 energy go and why does this week feel so 2018?
It’s like the first few weeks we got a taste of the momentum of 2019, yet this week we are reminded that is still much to let go of and understand. You may find triggers coming up for you or feel slightly derailed with your plans. Everything is coming along smoothly – do not panic. The stars are just aligning to make way for those big 2019 desires and that includes as always aligning your mindset and energy by providing you with opportunities to heal. Self-awareness this week is key to discern what it is you need for your highest fulfillment.
There is still inner truth to be revealed it may be about your path or it may be a truth about yourself that it is time to accept. Do not try to fit into a mold. There is one common theme around those I work best with and that is creating a new path. Being someone who does not look to others to show them the way forward but goes high up and deep down within themselves to create something totally new that the world needs for ascension. This is a reminder that pain and discomfort are signs that you are healing and aligning to something better, the more self-aware you are the more you’ll get out of this lesson and the closer you will be to energetically match the vibration of your desires (and so attracting it!)
If you are one of those who are feeling pulled to retreat, to look within and heal or you feel like you are hitting a wall with your plans then stop. This week simply put things on pause – there are no rules that you need to plow ahead. In fact, this year is one where trust and flow are highlighted this is just one of the reminder lessons of 2019. Trust your own flow. Trust your own pace. If your body and mind scream rest find a way to make it happen. Every inspiration, every opportunity you need will come at the right time when you trust your flow.
Remain flexible and detached to a specific outcome this week, again we are shown how the Universe is ready to step up and help us achieve our desires. If we are in the energy of control or overly concerned with the details then this flow is restricted or cut off. If things don’t go your way or quite as an expected roll with it. Feel gratitude knowing the lesson will be clear soon enough and embody a sense of curiosity as you nurture yourself and let the Universe arrange the pieces. Your action steps will be clear very soon.
Keys to keep in mind this week:
Don’t wait for your intuition to be at a certain level before following it. Trust yourself and the inner nudges and act accordingly. Your time for a higher vibration and CHOOSING the best feeling thought is now.
Your life is your best teacher. Tune in and ask what you are being taught right now. Have gratitude for the journey even before the lessons are clear, it will help to move things along. You are meant to gain wisdom, insight, healing and fulfillment from your life lessons – they are not happening to you, they are happening for you. If you need some extra quiet time this week to process let it happen.
If like I mentioned the plans are not going as you imagined don’t worry about it. Detach from a specific outcome and focus on what is going right. Focus on what you do have to celebrate. Focus on the best parts of yourself. Allow self-doubt to be replaced with empowerment as you find your strength in your solar plexus and stand tall to match the vibration of that which you desire.
Be kind to yourself and let yourself laugh along the way. If things were a straightforward plan there would be no innovation. There will be twists and turns this week but you’ve got this and it’s for your highest good anyway.