I’m taken to the theme of the hero’s journey this week with our forecast and guidance. If you are viewing this on the week of April 23 or anytime you feel called or land on this page – this message is for you.
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Each of us has our own hero’s journey that we are playing out. This will include ups and downs. The valleys of the journey create depth, understanding, compassion, resolve and more that reveal more about who we are as the main character in our own stories. The message coming through around the valleys is that it is only a step in the journey. You may have deep seemingly long depressions/ valleys or you may simply have a few potholes along the way, either way a clear theme this week (which by the way manifesting is still kicked into high gear) is to remember that this shall pass.
That allowing yourself to focus on the emotions coming up, feel them and know that they are teaching you something is key. Do not fall into the fog of self-pity or self-blame. Everything is happening on time, you are learning lessons and growing. Let that fog dissipate so that you can keep your focus on where you desire to be.
With that in mind it looks like many of us will be experiencing some plot twists this week. Things are shifting and if you are holding on very tightly to plans it might feel quite uncomfortable. Be willing to be led with the synchronicities that come up to make the most of this week and this area of your hero’s journey. You’ll find that even as these detours do no seem logic, and often not even welcome when you tune into your heart and let expectations, logic and plans go you will find that somehow it just FEELS like the right path.
Quick recap – since there is a lot on the go this week: Do not fall into self-pity, tune into your heart to uncover the gold in the unexpected turns.
Many of you who are feeling this ‘off’ sensation are actually feeling a disconnection from Source and from who you truly are at a Soul level. This is an invitation to strengthen the warrior within, the one that tosses doubts to the side and find comfort, security and connection within, no outside forces required. As you connect to and embody this sense of yourself other areas of your life outside can quickly come into harmony. In fact the practice of finding that connection within, nurturing it and loving yourself is the fastest way to your desired outcome no matter what area of your life you aspire to improve this week.
When you are reconnected within, when you are focused on the present as you allow your heart to fill with light and compassion for self, that is the time to find clarity in your situation. What in your life needs adjusting to harmonize with who you are today? What structures and projects is it time to release and which ones are ready for you to dive into?
We are human and so can’t do ALL the things. We have the gift of choice which is what makes hero’s journeys so beneficial to our growth is all we had to do was follow the leader all day long it doesn’t give us much opportunity for expansion – and afterall if you’re reading this expanding who you are is a HUGE part of this life. Choose based in your heart what you feel is best to put your energy into. Based in your heart – not that of others. the most beneficial outcome will be yours when you focus in this way. You may have some work today around fears and doubts of potentially letting others down or changing course but that is illusion and once you clear that fog – your path becomes crystal clear.
If you find resentment is coming up for you, or you are playing an old story over and over in your head, with the same subconscious expectations this is a major area to look at this week. Be bold and brave enough to do the uncomfortable thing and shift your expectations. Let go of what you think others should be and have a go at simply accepting and loving them – do the same for yourself while you’re at it. Try the experiment and let resentment and malice go. See how it makes you feel, how it harmonizes your life and helps the puzzle pieces to click into place.
Visualize yourself taking shots of forgiveness into your system. Picture a shot glass with blue, violet and red light take it into your system and let each color in turn wash throughout your system when the heavy thoughts come this week. Let sapphire blue wash throughout for a few breathes, pulling in forgiveness energy with every molecule of air you welcome in. As you exhale the resentment, frustration etc start to flow down through your feet to be transmuted by Gaia. Now visualize the violet of your forgiveness shot fills up your body. As you breathe slowly the violet light transmutes heavy energy you feel towards yourself and zero’s in on guilt, shame and blame, again being magnetized to the Earth and transmuted. Finally allow the ruby sparkle energy to ground, center and calm your energy and you breathe. Releasing again, into the Earth – this time breathing golden ruby Gaia energy back up through your feet and settle it into your heart.
From this place you can connect to your inner guidance system and move forward on your path, you may even uncover a path that was previously hidden but incredibly aligned to who you are now.
Keys to keep in mind this week:
- Take inventory of your priorities, allow your heart to guide you to the areas in highest need of your attention and release the areas no longer requiring your focus.
- Do not allow a false sense of isolation and confusion to cut you off from your direct connection to your greatness. Hold on to the threads of greatness that you do see and focus on them to flow back to your true nature.
- The energy we are working with this week is full of plot twists, ups, and downs and encourages us to connect within and find peace there.
- Understand you are on a journey, each step is important to the whole, and each step also passes. Remember your inner guidance system is always recalibrating and know the best path for you.