Reconnect to your flow, your brilliance, your soul.

Reconnect to a sense of empowerment, joy and fulfillment.

Reconnect to intuitive knowing and trust.

Remember and embody the magic that you are and practice this through our high frequency mastermind. 

In this mastermind we focus on ways of being, on how you embody your truth  to amplify your power and transform areas where you are feeling disconnected from yourself. 

True Self Reconnection Mastermind is for you if

  • You are spiritually focused yet down to earth.
  • You are ready to stretch into your empowerment and truth at the next level.
  • You are ready to dive deeply into your Soul and Divine connection.
  • You are ready to witness your own awakened evolution.

You're already being guided! Using your everyday as your guide work with areas in your life that feel out of balance with your truth. In this mastermind you are reminded that you have the power to shift your reality, you have the power to transform and harmonize challenging areas. 

Your life already provides the details of your highest priority work. 

Your intuition guides the way into your soul desires and coming back to balance. 

Your guides and spiritual team are supporting and guiding you on the way. We tap in and amplify this connection in our time together. 

Tapping into your truth and recalibrating into your true self is not complicated, it simply requires attention, focus and remembering your power and inner knowing. 

What do we actually work on to embody your truth? 

  • Strengthen your intuition, insight and discernment to guide yourself
  • Develop higher perspective and understanding in relationships and life
  • Flowing with your increased sensitivity, processing ascension energies and aligning to inner knowing for your evolving mental, emotional and physical needs
  • Deepen your connection to your guides, Divine energies and spiritual support
  • Clarify your self knowing and let go of illusions and programs that are not your truth
  • Clarify your focus and action steps to keep it simple


  • 3 calls monthly  (13 total, about 90 minutes each)
  • Tiny group of 6 or less for individual attention with group benefits 
  • Telegram group and email access between sessions for support and clarity
  • Access to additional resources as guided throughout program (some of my resources)

Applications now open 

Mastermind begins in early 2025 (likely March - July )

Let's make some magic and remember the power and beauty that you are!

Investment for this mastermind is $4300 or 4 pays of 6 pays of $717

Hi, I'm Tracy Gaudet.

Ascension Shaman and Divine Genius Wayshower. 

My visionary awareness and soul gifts are designed to seed new growth, to anchor awareness on the mental, emotional, physical and energetic planes of existence.

I am here to hold a space as a visionary to help you realize what is not yet manifested - to expand your perspective of self and guide you to bring your pieces together from the most cosmic to the most grounded. 

Call Structure

Calls will be guided by the energy of the group 

We will open into the sacred space (I read the group energy and channel energy healing, activation or journey that will most benefit the group)

We then move into round table discussion, channeled coaching from Akashic Records and any additional energy healing or activation energy that is highest to come through

We wrap up by getting clear on what your focus and actions are for the week ahead

2025 is going to be a wild ride!

As the first full year where we will have Pluto in Aquarius, transformations and awakenings will be abundant.

This can also feel like a confusing time with the pressure to move forward coupled with the sensation of not really knowing what's going on.

This is our call to move deeper into the unseen realms, into reliance on our intuition, inner knowing and developing a flow in life.

Through breaking free of over-reliance on masculine energies of force, pressure and logic we free ourselves into deeper alignment with our truth.

We are able to create a new balance of logic fed by intuition, where we allow our Divine Feminine to lead our Divine Masculine.

We are the generations that kick start massive change on this planet and it all starts from within. 


  • Harmonize your darkness into light
  • Claim, feel and be yourself as a sovereign being
  • Actualize your soul desires through finding your own balance of logic and intuition
  • Empower yourself to move powerfully in the direction of your desires
  • Recalibrate into your True Self

Applications now open 

Mastermind begins in early 2025 (likely late March)

Let's make some magic and remember the power and beauty that you are!

Investment for this mastermind is $4300 or 4 pays of 6 pays of $717