August is always an intense, energy charged month. It seems in 2020 everything is intensely energetically charged!
TRACY GAUDET SOUL ALCHEMIST · August 2020 Akashic Insight Forecast
As we enter August we are asked to create a balance point of conscious awareness and intuitive connection. Those truths about who we really are start to nudge at us. Not the personality aspect, but the deeper truths that can’t always be explained in words and must be felt and experienced within to truly understand. We are asked to be aware of the subtle energies and information. The first 2 weeks of August especially will be ideal for intuitive connection, personal exploration and connection to our Divine self and insight while we are inside the lions gate portal.
The Lions gate portal happens every year around this time, with the peak being on 8/8. My most prominent soul connection to this energy comes from lifetimes in Ancient Egypt. When you tune into the Lion’s gate portal for yourself also bring Ancient egypt into the picture and see if you notice any rsonac! I personally just fill up with tears and inner knowing. I tend to do that with Egypt memories! They are so visceral for me! So on 8/8 is when things really line up literally – Sirius and the Sun with the pyramids of Giza.
This feels like a time where quantum leaps are possible for anyone who is willing to go within and connect to this energy. This is a time for personal evolution. An opening for more of who you are to come to the light and limiting programs to be recognized as false and unsubscribed from!
We begin the month (August 1 and 2) with the energy of Lammas, or Lughnasadh. In ancient times we would celebrate this time of grain harvest and light. In those times we had a more intricate connection to the Earth and the circadian rhythm. I find as I work with the wheel of the year it helps me to tap back into this natural flow and inner knowing that is natural for us. It helps to connect me to the energy of peace and balance which I find benefits every area of my life. Part of the reason I love these forecasts is that it takes me away from the day to day ‘schedule’ of modern life and allows a glimpse back into natural rhythm.
With the influence of the sun right now, we also experience this within our light body in the solar plexus. This space highlights our relationship with ourselves, and our empowerment and drive. Just like our days with the sun and nights where we can no longer see it, this energy of balance is being called for within us. The drive and forward movement of exploration and ‘harvest’ of our relationship with self and ‘the work’ balanced with quiet rest, contemplation and celebration even. Our discernment is key right now to feel what we most need in any given moment.
Within that Lughnasadh energy also comes the Full moon influence peaking on August 3 and 4. This has the opportunity to bring meaningful transformation to your life if you are tuned in to yourself. ‘Meaningful transformation’ can also feel like a surprise plot twist. As I have been saying for years now – adaptability is the key. The more adaptable to ever changing conditions you can allow yourself to become, the easier these meaning transformations will be. When you resist and fight against the change it’s like telling the tide not to come in yet, that you didn’t think it was coming in for another few hours so you better go get your bucket and start to put the tide back in the ocean. You put out a lot of effort (in this case mental effort usually which can be particularly draining) taking bucket after bucket to realize that the change is happening anyway. This transformation might be happening within you, or it may be something new in your life/ relationships. Be aware of this and remember the visual of trying to remove the tide with buckets. It keeps you busy to resist it, worry about it, or figure out all the how’s, but it’s not benefiting you and only exhautiing your energy supply.
As this Full Moon energy is still running we are presented with the peak of our Lions Gate Portal. Schedule some time now for the weekend of August 7-10 to take some time for yourself and explore the messages, lessons and insight from this portal. You’ll probably need a break anyway at this point. Take that break! The high frequency charged light codes may also bring up some ascension symptoms, so another heads up to prioritize self care of your physical body. Start to hydrate every single day in August and nourish yourself through food, movement and grounding to minimize physical symptoms. We are making room for these frequencies and there may be some detox as vibrations that do not match within our physical bodies are released. There may also be some big emotions coming up. Take these as part of the shift and honor them by feeling, processing and reminding yourself that having big emotions is a part of the human experience. Again I am reminded of that same visual of moving the tide with buckets. If you could see the bigger picture you would know that the tide will go back out on it’s own. Same with big emotional energy. Don’t try to fight it. See the bigger picture that it will naturally move out if you accept it.
Throughout August pausing to ask ‘what do I need right now?’ and ‘what insights are available to me now, what is most important that I am aware of’, and taking time to let the answers come to you through mediation, journaling, solo time in nature or whatever gives your mind clarity and openness.
This energy theme continues for the first full 2 weeks of August and then things begin to calm down and we are gifted with some time for reflection. This reflection might lead you to action or rest or a combination – but if you take the time to reflect it will lead you.
On August 18 and 19 we have a new moon. On the evening of the 18th when the moon is dark is a powerful time to release and let go of anything that came up in the first 2 weeks of August. This one evening in particular is supportive of casting away limiting energies to make space for your new seeds of intention. As we move into the 19th – 21st this is our most ideal time to plant intentions. Now that we have been made aware of shifts, had time to reflect – what do we want to bring to fruition that is for our highest good and the highest good of everyone involved? Add to the clarity of your intentions throughout the last week of the month, and remind yourself of all you have learned about you this month.