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While we are all on our own path and choosing a card below will get you more detailed info, check out the weekly business energy forecast first:
Week of July 18, 2017:
Trust your intuition this week. Ask questions of yourself and allow honesty to flow as you go deeper and deeper within. As you come to an understanding use that to craft a message that needs to be heard. Others are going through similar situations and your sharing will encourage them to also look within and trust themselves. See areas where you are holding on tight to control or trying to change something for what you want -which may not be in the highest and best interest. Look within this week – the real truth and best path is there.
Have you chosen your card? Feeling into it? Perfect, scroll down for the reveal and meaning of your card(s).
Get grounded this week. #1 priority my friend. Patience and realizing that there are limits to what you can do in a day are part of your evolution. Trying to do it all or push through because of emotions like guilt, fear and doubt do not move you on your path any faster. This week your body is asking that you stop. Get grounded and allow yourself to come to focus and present moment. Situate yourself this week, things will work out easier if your feet are firmly on the ground.
Pretty self-explanatory this week. Big U is asking that we slow down – that it is the actual path to speeding up! Don’t rush through the steps and process to get to your destination – take a look around, staying grounded at every step you never know where there may be a shimmer of gold that could easily be missed if you’re rushing through. Trust me the Universe says this week, slow your pace and savor the journey.
Don’t try to force things to happen this week. Allow yourself to feel into the flow of what is calling at you. Demanding creates resistance, where are commanding then letting go and trusting allows what you need to flow to you. Be willing to be flexible this week – what is best for us ultimately may not feel like what we want in the present, but the more we follow our guidance of what FEELS best the more gold will be shown to us on the path. Make your intentions clear then step back and ask the Universe to take control and let you know what actions you need to take. Trust your intuition, not your fear.