While we are all on our own path and choosing a card below will get you more detailed info, check out the weekly business energy forecast first:
Week of August 16th, 2017:
It’s like we’ve been in a blender since the start of August and although many of us want to steam ahead and start to accomplish some things before the month is up – sometimes pushing too hard when you feel resistance simply doesn’t get you anywhere except exhausted!
Stop this week and ask your body and business what it needs. This energy does not apply to every single person – but for the most part a little extra rest this week is called for if you are feeling resistance to projects that light you up.
Just let that last bit of energy integrate the time for big action is just around the corner. Slow down to notice the sign.
Have you chosen your card? Feeling into it? Perfect, scroll down for the reveal and meaning of your card(s).
This card is rather self-explanatory! Change is sometimes not easy – that we have to wade through a hero’s (or healer’s) journey to get the right combo of strengths and power to achieve our greatest desires. It means we need to let old pieces of ourselves go. It means that certain habits, ways of thought, even dreams that no longer serve us need to be considered and released as we upgrade ourselves. This is YOUR time of transformation, and knowing the letting go and pain are temporary to strengthen you will help you through the week.
STEP BACK. That may have come off as aggressive, but you need that BFF in your face showing you what is right in front of you this week. Find behavior in others or ways of thinking that you are not jiving with? Detach from it. Like yesterday. Your energy is empathic and vulnerable and fixating on things that don’t feel good only serve to lower your vibration and keep you feeling frustrated. Keep your focus this week on detaching from what is going on with others and instead on loving and accepting yourself exactly as you are. Your vibe and mood will thank you for it and you can have a fabulous week!
Flying reversed = grounded. With all the celestial action happening this week your tendency is to float up and away – but you would be so much happier and more clear if you were grounded! Don’t try to do ALL the things. Don’t try to move TOO fast to get to your destination. Slow it down, get back to basics and try enjoying the moment this week. It will ultimately help you be more productive in the long run.