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While we are all on our own path and choosing a card below will get you more detailed info, check out the weekly business energy forecast first:
Week of August 7th, 2017:
Mercury is totally getting ready for retro – along with like 4 other planets so it is a great time to be grounded and aware! The Full Moon this week, the 8/8 Lion’s gate portal #Potential. Beautiful opportunities are flowing to you AS WE SPEAK. Now the action to take is to get out of the way. Universe is in hustle mode doing it’s thing so we need to take care of ourselves. If things still feel less than ‘opportunistic’ your best bet this week is to focus on anything that feels good to you. Keep your vibe high to allow for the good to flow in. The miracle is on it’s way. The opportunity is on it’s way. Know this in your heart. Feel the abundance that is flowing to you even before you see the evidence.
Have you chosen your card? Feeling into it? Perfect, scroll down for the reveal and meaning of your card(s).
Open mind my dear. Even if that means not knowing what is going on yet. Accept that is where you’re at. The faster you do that the faster the clarity/ solution energy will come in for you. Don’t take action if it feels careless, out of integrity or if you are doing it out of desperation, fear or lack. Also, know your motivators and start to align yourself to take actions from a place of love. Experience is your greatest teacher, and it seems you need a little more right now. A little bit tough love this week, but ultimately moving you more into your personal mastery.
Intuitive. This card could not be more descriptive of you. However, the tendency for us to analyze and put human judgment on this tends to cloud our intuition. This is VERY normal. But your second guessing and over thinking is not to your benefit this week. Release any type of resistance, doubts, self blame you have towards yourself. Picture yourself dancing down a path lit by the moonlight of your intuition. The path is there, but since it’s a little dark you are bound to stumble here and there – it doesn’t mean you should abandon the path – it just means don’t take yourself so seriously – have a laugh, forgive yourself and keep flowing down that path with joy.
Where’s your focus at? This card is coming up to point out that a good amount of your energy is flowing to another right now. Another person, circumstance or situation. Cut yourself off for a bit and allow your focus to rest on yourself this week. Where you are in actual real life and where you want to be. When you are honest with yourself that you are responsible for your own actions and healing only – you shed a lot of energetic weight and can move on to where you want to be – focusing on it with joy.