While we are all on our own path and choosing a card below will get you more detailed info, check out the weekly business energy forecast first:
Week of October 2nd, 2017:
We are certainly in a new calendar month full of new opportunities, but there are a few things we may still be wrapping up and other still needs a shift. When you have a strict plan in place it can be tricky to remember to check in and see if you are still headed in the direction that is best for you or if you need to shift slightly and adjust course. Take a little time this week to tune in here, check your motivating factors and give yourself a moment to breathe and nurture yourself before moving forward. There may also be some forgiveness work come up this week – forgive others and yourself freely. We are all human, and the sooner you release hurts and blame the sooner you can move forward in your power.
If this reading resonates with you, please share (at bottom of post) this post to expand the message to others who might also benefit.
Have you chosen your card? Feeling into it? Perfect, scroll down for the reveal and meaning of your card(s).
It’s time YOU yourself made some choices. Yes, you will need to accept more responsibility and power and the possibility that things will turn out different than you hope – but that is YOUR choice to make. You are never committed to 1 path 100%, and can always make a new choice down the road – but for this week, be honest with yourself and ask where you are not choosing and how you can increase your personal power and make the choice.
This is the 3rd week in a row this card has shown up. Deeper healing is calling. Forward movement is calling too, but the tunnel of healing requires your awareness. Remeber that on the path to forward movement is this tunnel and the more aware you are of your energetic surroundings and allow yourself the space to heal – even if it doesn’t look like you think it ‘should’, the easier the path becomes. With the Full Moon at the end of the week it is a marvelous time to sit with yourself and tune into what healing is ready to surface. The moon will illuminate more for you this week that was previously unknown.
Gratitude. Appreciation. Releasing attachment to specific outcomes. Joy at how the Universe works, and assists you in the creation of your dreams, and becomes even more amazing as you allow it to flow without restriction on what you think it will look like. Pay attention to nudges this week from the Universe. Your desires are close to fruition. Tune in daily. Trust what comes through. Take action where you are guided and stay out of the way (with expectations) to let the Universe play its part.