There is no doubt we are in a time where darkness is coming to light, where the thousands of years of patriarchy and trauma associated are breaking. We see this in everyday life, in the media, and in our own lives. This wounded masculine that we are witnessing is processing, just like you are processing out of old versions of yourself in order to step more fully into your potential and Soul fulfillment.
This time of seeming darkness can be tricky to cope with and brings up so many emotions that it can be hard to find your center through all of this. Every single one of us contains both feminine and masculine energy and so as we navigate these waters it is important to remember that compassion above all else is what will light the path to our highest transformation.
It’s easy to feel compassion for victims, for survivors, even for the wounded aspects of ourselves. Yet our true strength lies in expanding that compassion to the forces we feel are holding us down, to the forces that create the trauma and to the wounded masculine within us. When we can see those we feel rage and frustration towards and hold them in a space of compassion, even if for a few seconds we deepen the healing for ourselves and the collective as a whole.
When we allow hatred, rage and blame to be embodied within us for long periods of time we suffer and the collective suffers. These emotions are powerful for change and when we allow ourselves to fully feel them they empower us. We are meant to visit them, not to live in them. When we visit them and allow ourselves to explore them, shame and guilt free we incorporate our true selves more fully. We get the opportunity to receive their wisdom and harness their power. When we express that anger in healthy ways that can range from punching a pillow, going for a walk or even making bread or painting aggressively we allow the emotion to process and can begin to process much of the emotions for not only ourselves but generations that came before and that will come after.
Once we feel expressed, and maybe for some of us we need to feel exhausted as well, then it is realistic to bring in some compassion. Start small and have compassion for the male influences in your life that have been positive. For the male aspects of yourself. Spread that compassion expanding yourself slightly further each time allowing your subconscious to conjure up masculine archetypes and personalities that most would find it difficult to send compassion to. If it’s an emotional experience it is all the more cleansing and powerful for you. If you are able to hold that compassion do so.
This exercise and reminder is for both men and women as collectively we are all working through the trauma of the past few thousand years and we all play a role.
Visualize your pink compassion energy coming from your heart. Place both hands to feel a ball of energy form. Feel your feet flat on the ground as you know you are helping Gaia to ascend and helping yourself to evolve. Feel compassion and gratitude for Gaia. Let that grow and expand, visualizing the ball of compassion travel to the center of the Earth and expand out. Start to place others into that pink compassion bubble as it emerges from the Earth. Start by placing babies and children in the bubble. Feel compassion for the beings that are coming into this world at a time of great transformation. Expand the bubble and start to include more male energy and figures. To those that feel the shift but don’t know what to do about it. To those that feel on the fence and even to those who resist the transformation and are here to bring out and highlight the darness. When you feel you’ve hit your limit take the compassion bubble back into the Earth and back into your heart. Allow yourself to rest in the pink bubble of compassion for a while longer.
If part of your path if to take action on this transformation when you are in a state of compassion and Gaia wisdom it is the right time to ask yourself, how can I be a part of the change? How can I take action to help with this expansion of light?
Take care and remember that compassion is one of the most powerful weapons you hold.