This idea of personal development sometimes carries with it the energy that we must be perfect, we must be productive and we must be continually moving forward to ‘prove’ this stuff is working to ourselves and to those around us. However this perspective is only amplifying the inner judgement, self doubt and fear that lies within you. The way I’ve been guided to share about personal development and perfection today is through the large lens of the collective of humanity.
We’ve all heard the analogy that we are a piece of the puzzle, so consider than a perfect puzzle piece. It doesn’t exist. There is no uniform puzzle piece out there that is a perfect square, same length on all sides. When we strive towards the energy of perfection and a certain mold of what our ideal should look like we are effectively squeezing ourselves into this box.
Since we have such deeply running subconscious and society programming it can, for a while, feel like we are moving in the right direction. We are productive, maybe creating habits that uplift us and feeling great. Until you get derailed. This is when operating under the energy of perfection instigates the judgement and fears of being outcast or abandoned because we are no longer perfect. When we tie this idea of perfection onto what we do.
I am suggesting a new perspective for your personal development. One where you don’t strictly follow any one teaching or way of being – where you don’t try to fit yourself into the standard and ideal of the square puzzle piece.
Instead this ascension/ personal development structure is of your own creation, and more of it is revealed to you as you progress on your journey.
Before your were born you have created this puzzle piece that you call you and encoded all your Divine brilliance and unique energy within it. You knew that you would be raised in a program that asked you to stay in the square puzzle piece but that you would always feel this nudge and often a scream that you are not here to fit the square. You are here to see what you are really made of. You are here to create from this space of unique Divine genius.
When you are aware of your Divine genius, when you crack the code of what that looks and feels like and you begin to amass the blueprint of your signature puzzle piece. You begin to see how you fit seamlessly into the collective and how important it is that you maintain your focus and expansion in this puzzle piece.
Your awareness of the puzzle piece and agreement that yes I recognize that it feels better, that it is better for me and everyone involved if I let go if this attachment to the square box and focus on my piece. This is just the first step. This is just the tip of what is truly possible for you on a Soul satisfaction level – from a standpoint of expressing from your Divine genius.
Once you begin to get the details of what your piece actually is, this collaboration process begins.
You are next invited to accept and embody these pieces of yourself that make up the entire puzzle piece. You begin to recognize that your piece is not just your physical body and what you do, but it is your entire energy signature and what you are. What you embody and what you emit and then create in the world around you and collectively.
To really get this radical self acceptance is called for, you will likely have to work out old programs and ways of thinking/ beliefs that are not in coherence with who you really are. THIS IS WORTH IT. As you accept yourself in increasingly profound ways you open the gateway for your Soul self, your Divine genius to emerge.
Moving from acceptance to embodiment and trust, to this energy of certainty. Of feeling and knowing you are exactly where you need to be, that everything is working out in your favor and that it is safe and beneficial to not only accept yourself but to live daily in your own energy standard. Remembering who you are. Claiming your empowerment. In this place your victim and fear based thinking can’t even stand up. It can’t get the footing needed to convince you that you are not enough or that you should not move forward with a project out of fear. Instead when you are in this state of embodiment of your Divine genius you rise above and are living at a new level of awareness.
Once you have allowed the knowledge, acceptance and embodiment you get to the really fun stuff – you get to collaborate with your Divine genius. You get to flow these heart expansive projects, creations, paradigms, relationships, journeys out into the world – and again most importantly the energy you emit while in this state activates your puzzle piece so that your Divine light mission is more illuminated than every before. You begin to recognize that your puzzle piece is actually an entire puzzle within in. This concept of unity consciousness and oneness starts to climb to a whole new level.
This cycle spirals and moves and expands and contracts as we go about our lives. There is no particular endpoint, just a cycle of discovery, acceptance, embodiment and expression. Leading to a depth of purpose and centered alignment that will consistently knock you over with just how magical and powerful you and the Universe are together as a team.
Take some time today to acknowledge how far you have come. To witness the beautiful array of self knowing that you have collected so far. To appreciate the self acceptance that you have expanded into. Our cycles are speeding up and your discernment/ awareness and adaptability will be key for thriving and enjoying this next chapter.
The collective needs you to be your own puzzle piece right now. It needs you to take a stand and choose empowerment over victim energy every step along the way so that you may rise and hold the space for the collective to follow. You are ahead of the curve, on the leading edge right now and there are millions here with you. Focus on your piece.
This flow of knowing – accepting – embodiment – expression is a major focus of mine right now, in my own Divine genius work. If this message is resonating with you I encourage you to stay connected through my email list and receive access to some of my most powerful guided journeys.