While we are all on our own path and choosing a card below will get you more detailed info, check out the weekly business energy forecast first:
Week of December 18th, 2017:
Flow. Trust. Moving like water. This is the tune of the week. Being adaptable and open to receive. For some of us, we’re taking this lesson easy! For others who are working on releasing control and moving to Divine feminine, it can feel sticky! Being able to perceive ourselves as someone who received openly with love, who allows things to be easy is the key to a week that feels good vs one that feels very resistant.
It’s time to shift some perspective. If you have been trying to manifest money with your business try this instead: manifest service with your business. Be of service have success be determined by how you feel. How open do you feel? How freely are you expressing what you do, who you do it for and why you do it? How does that all feel? Sometimes trying to manifest from a place of ‘money’ can create pressure and resistance, when we take it back and allow ourselves to be inspired by the nature of the service we provide things can shift quickly.
In that same breathe there is some forgiveness work called for this week. As we release 2017 and forgive ourselves for perceived failures and forgive others we may have blamed or forgive those who have spiraled up and achieved what didn’t happen for us in 2017. If there is angry, blame, resentment, sadness, disappointment residing in your energy this is the week to start to loosen it up (even if you’ve done this before) and really embody the energy of forgiveness. It sets you free and is a self-nourishing act for yourself which really has nothing to do with the person you’re forgiving and everything to do with your own personal and spiritual evolution. It’s your time to get rid of these heavy emotions and usher in a new time of trust, flow and ease. Bit by bit you are getting there. Let the process happen and be open and willing.
If this reading resonates with you, please share (at bottom of post) this post to expand the message to others who might also benefit.
Have you chosen your card? Feeling into it? Perfect, scroll down for the reveal and meaning of your card(s).
Self-forgiveness and forgiveness come in strongly with this card. Dropping energetic weight through increasing compassion. Sometimes being detached and seeing the other point of view without judgment is what your heart needs. We are all doing the best we can with what we have. Amazing solutions and shifts can occur when we soften into compassion. Call upon Zadkiel to help you get into this vibe.
Azreal is a powerful healing force and a messenger when we can’t always sense a passed on loved one through our grief, Azreal is there to amplify the energy and let you know that they are safe. They are sending love to you and encouraging you to release worries. Trust your intuition, flashes of them in your mind’s eye and the feeling of them near is very real. Let this energy surround you with comfort and love and call in Azreal to help allow your grief and healing to process.
Ah, again, comfort, gentle healing. The energy is all about receiving this week and letting heavy things go. If there are people in your life who are harsh and not conducive to healing on your part create a safe space, like an energetic cacoon to allow yourself to heal. Listen to gentle music, hum, sing or use signing bowls or similar, even dancing and gentle yoga or other movements. All of these practices help to attune your vibration to the healing place you’re in and allow the process to happen. Don’t worry about making big decisions, let that go for a few days as you wrap up the integration of more of your brilliance.