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While we are all on our own path and choosing a card below will get you more detailed info, check out the weekly energy forecast first:
Week of February 25th, 2018:
Archangel Guidance is still on high priority this week, but with the Earthy Full Moon near the end of the week, our animal guides are coming in to help us really ground these lessons and move forward. So we have our Druid animals with the forecast and then some specific angels coming in to direct you how to apply this wisdom to your life. The Archangels are still very nearby and chances are you are hearing their whispers, wanting to get quiet time or hearing a bit of ringing in your ears.
On to the spirit animals that came up this week. Interestingly all 3 are B animals. It seems they are helping to usher in March, and transition from balance and service into inspiration and expression. The Bee, the Bull and the Blackbird are coming in with their messages for what to expect this week and how to navigate the energy as the energy this week will shift and change quite a bit from Sunday – Saturday!
Much of this is still in keeping with the theme of purpose and potential. Bee sure you are getting out of your little oasis into the hive this week, that you are celebrating Unity and the joy that comes with cooperation and allowing yourself to be uplifted and supported while you do the same for others. The spirit of celebration is called for this week, do this in a social way if possible to soak in the energy of the community. If you have been feeling called to organize a group, do this! It supports your potential and growth. As we take note that the Bull has also come to teach he reminds us that as we take action on things that break us out of our comfort zone, rewards await. Good fortune is for those who direct their personal power towards what they feel called to do, their purpose. he also reminds us that true fortune is first felt in the heart and solar plexus before expressing into physical form. If you feel like you have been working towards this FOREVER call upon the bull and the bee this week to bring your strength, encouragement and endurance.
As I mentioned the week has a fairly sizeable energy shift as we move closer to the Full Moon (Thursday – Saturday especially) and our intuition comes into focus, you’ll see this in the Angels message this week as well. Allow your focus to shift the balance from the practical action steps to a deep inward journey as the weekend approaches and you tune in to the next steps on your path being revealed. All of this is a forward movement to your potential and highlights again the balance of action and contemplation. Of masculine and feminine flowing together.
Have you chosen your card? Feeling into it? Perfect, scroll down for the reveal and meaning of your card(s).
Heal your heart this week. Forgive. Release the need to be right and allow great amounts of compassion into your system. This applies strongly to relationships or manifesting an ideal one but this week Chamuel focuses on falling in love with your life. Allowing your heart to open further to call in the things you desire, whether it is a relationship a life change or a job. It is for you as you work with Chamuel to open and expand your heartspace.
Not sure shocked that Uriel came in this week, as he hangs about near the Full Moon, encouraging you to embrace and accept your intuitive gifts more deeply and take action on the information that comes through. This week, especially Thursday on will have your crown chakra buzzing and your claircognizance turned on to HIGH. Ask Uriel for clarification of anything that comes through, but mainly just be sure to take time to listen and act accordingly. True intuitive guidance feels like love and support, so if you’re feeling fear-based messages that is your ego coming in. Remember that.
Uriel is making himself known this week. There are so many that he is ready to support at this time with intuitive trusting and you are in the exact right place at the right time for this one. You know what you have been hearing from your intuition yet the actions are not fully aligned. What is stopping you from moving on that thing? Ask yourself that near the start of the week and then tune in to get the action steps, you know what I’m talking about. Take action on it, as inspiration and grace don’t hang around long if you’re not listening. If you feel something blocking the way of your action, get it dealt with at the start of the week. We all have resistance but the key is to make our passion, drive and purpose bigger than the fear of taking action.
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