Your limiting beliefs aka blocks are the only thing standing in the way of manifesting what you want. So it’s a pretty big deal when you spot one. Once the block is acknowledged then you have the power to release it and get that much closer to deliberate creation. Here are my top 3 ways to spot your blocks:
I love, love, love EFT. I find that it gives your subconscious a chance to come out and reveal things you may not have noticed. This method can also work without EFT, just by using the script to keep questioning yourself on the subject you are stuck on until the real reason is revealed. For this example say that you are procrastinating on something that you really want to get done, and you are just kicking yourself that you can’t seem to get moving. For EFT you would start off by tapping on the karate chop point and repeating 3 times ‘even though I keep procrastinating on *insert subject*, I deeply and completely love and accept myself’. From there move through the points (eyebrow, side of the eye, under the eye, under the nose, chin, collarbone, under the arm) tapping each one about 7 times and repeating ‘why do I keep procrastinating?’ take a deep breath after 3 rounds of tapping the 7 points and write down anything that pops up. Even if you think it has nothing to do with your procrastination. Some of the answers I’ve received doing this are that I was procrastinating because:
- I fear that I can’t do it or will fail (tap out fear of failure)
- That I will be judged (tap out fear of judgement)
- That I need a break (honor this and take a little self-care time to re-charge before coming back to the project)
When you are mindful of how you are feeling it is pretty easy to spot a block. If, say something your husband says really gets you, take a few minutes to consider why it bothers you so much. What is it reminding you of? Can you remember the first time you felt that way? There may be people or events from your past that you need to forgive and release. Catching yourself in the moment and then consciously releasing and forgiving can lighten you up and help you to get over the negative emotion quickly by simply noticing it, not getting wrapped up in it. If an emotion is extra tricky to release it may be time for EFT.
This is one that even non-woo-woo people can get on board with. Using a journal to write about a subject can reveal much more than just thinking on it ever will. For this example let’s say you are feeling anxious about money and want to know exactly where that is coming from, so you can let go of it and start to feel good about money, so you can attract more. This is what I usually refer to as my EFT garbage can, but many of these beliefs can be released simply by realizing you have them and choosing to change your belief. So say I was writing out why I feel anxious about money some of the things in my garbage can might be:
- I was always taught you have to work hard to make money (limiting belief)
- I will always have credit card debt (block)
- I’m not worthy of making a lot of money (self-worth limiting belief)
Personally after the journaling I would do some EFT as soon as possible to release these beliefs from my system. You could also replace them with new beliefs that are much more beneficial such as:
- I love what I do so money comes to me easily
- I always have more than enough for what I need (and set up an auto-debt repayment)
- I am worthy and a money magnet
As with any affirmations, sometimes you may catch yourself thinking these things are not true. But just hold the positive belief and imagine how good it feels for these to be true and slowly you will start to notice your reality start to change to match your new and improved money vibration.