My self-created (though honestly I'm the channel that pulls it all together for the Divine) modality is called the Ascension Alchemy Method™. More than a healing modality, Ascension Alchemy Method™ is a holistic ascension acceleration tool, it takes into account multi modalities of energy healing combined with grounded personal growth to create practical transformation.
The Ascension Alchemy Method™ utilizes my energy healing method 8D SHIFT HEALING™, my energy activation method GAIA CODE ACTIVATIONS™ and combines them with knowledge through the MultiDimensional Akashic Records and Practical tools to create a full picture and down to earth approach to transformative spiritual development. Assisting and accelerating the process of moving from 3D to 5D.
This modality came to me every single time I worked in the Akashic Records and many other times. I kept getting the same message, take it up to the 8th. As I explored this area a modality was born that utilized powerful solar energy/ central sun. This modality focuses on releasing old programs, trapped emotions and beliefs and replaces them with new empowered beliefs that propel you down the highest potential timeline. I've even been told these feel like an exorcism, and in a way they are. They help to get rid of the mucky energy and belief systems and make way for the new.
This modality came to me after a particularly long month of awakening. A lot of Soul growth occurred and then these babies started to repeat over and over again until I started to express them. I am beyond thrilled to bring these energy activators to reality. While they help to release heavy energy much like the 8D SHIFTSTM, these GAIA CODE ACTIVATIONSTM bring with them their very own style. Deeply grounding and connected to the Earth each set of activations (they come through in sets of 7) is unique and most work with a specific guide, usually an earth guide or archangel. These are a powerful way to increase your spiritual evolution and work past common blocks to accepting, accessing and expressing your Divinity and light.
I also work with modalities created by others:
EFT Tapping
Healing and reading in the Akashic Records
Shamanic Journeys
Chakra Healing
Empowered Energetics
Timeline Healing
Sacred DNA Restructure Method®
Genekeys (Guide)
More as I continually expand my gifts. All the modalities I use blend with my intuitive gifts and I use them as I am guided to facilitate a healing and clarity experience for your Highest potential timeline.