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Keys for November:
- Tune in to yourself
- Create a to-do list for the Universe
- Revisit goals and what you can let go of, and what you want to focus in on
- Courageously listen to your intuition and make choices that support you
- Have fun with the magic and awe-inspiring turn of events
November 2019 Akashic Insight Forecast >>> Ascension and Choices <<<
Going into November, I can already feel the absolute power that it holds. We have 4 big retrogrades (Mercury, Pluto, Uranus and Chiron) that are all helping us to dig deep into spiritual insight, tune inwards and experience big transformation, growth and clarity.
You are fully supported, but this doesn’t mean you pass all the responsibility onto the Universe. You must take responsibility for yourself and your choices. The quality of your choices in November will make a big impact on how magical or hectic the energy will feel.
When you are operating from a higher vantage point, an ascended one of 5D where you are focusing on personal responsibility, trust and openness you are in the lane of magic. When you are focusing on ‘what is’, drama, and making the same choices over and over you are more likely to be in the hectic lane for November. Again this is all a choice and you can switch lanes at any time by taking your power and responsibility back.
We are encouraged to get really spiritually grounded as we start the month. A balanced approach will serve so beautifully. This means you are looking within, you are paying attention to the calling to connect to the Divine, whatever that means to you. The you are listening and ACTING on the enlightenment that comes through. You are making choices and real world actions based on this supportive Divine inel. This is how you will see the ‘real world’ changes come about swiftly. So go within but ground that in action and mindset to integrate it and really feel the abundance and energetic riches all around you. Let yourself really feel the magic the first week and throughout November.
As we move forward, through the gateway of 11/11 the clarifying energy of all these retrogrades will be and is reminding us to have courage. To continue to move forward and listen to the enlightenment we are receiving and take action. Yes this message is repetitive and I want it to really sink in because this is how you will see the changes you have been asking for. Many of us will feel a roadblock with this energy, not because it’s not supportive, but because it is asking us to go outside of our comfort zones, to take action and show up in a way we may not have dared to previously. But now is the time. To prep for this energy be aware of your ‘sabotages’ those fears and doubts and behaviors and even physical symptoms that keep you in your safe place – which also happens to be the stagnant space you are ready to move out of. You are shedding your skin of fears and doubts, of insecurity and feeling like you need to protect yourself. Courage really is the word of the week for 11/11. Call upon your Divine team and your most expansive, powerful, grounded self to take bold action. That might mean cleaning up your inner world of limiting thoughts and programs, it might mean taking big action in your business or decluttering that closet. Big action and courage can come in many forms, tune within to see where you are drawn.
Did I mention there is also a Full Moon on November 12th? So this energy is adding to the intuition super powers and clarity. This is the supportive time you have been waiting for.
Now at the halfway point in the month and November is not slowing down on this spiritual/ intuitive insight. Honestly it is wild how much support you have in this area!

You are guided fully and your Divine team/ God/ Universe is ready to help you. Be sure you are asking for support. Journal or write out a to-do list for the Universe. While you have been moving towards something for a long time, in a way this is the start of a whole new journey of deeper alignment. What are your goals and dreams? It will be a very supportive time to revisit them as we near the last week of the month, and are supported by a New Moon. Not only to intend and send a to-do list to the Universe but also to take that courageous and clear action you have been guided to.
As Mercury retro wraps up near the end of the month we are reminded one more time in November of our choices. What is no longer serving us? What is it time for us to let go of? Growth is ready to meet us halfway but we must listen to and act on our courageous intuitive nudges.
Finally taking a breath of gratitude, awe and victory for all that November has brought to light. There is potential for a huge win this month, enjoy each victory fully, but be mindful that you are not overflowing into spiritual snobbery because you are listening to your intuition, manifesting and kicking ass at life. Remember to stay grounded, present and have an open heart to serve at your highest level. That level does not contain judgement or pressure on others, or thinking that you have all the right answers and ways. Every path is unique so celebrate your own and open your heart to the next awe-inspiring event that is just around the corner. Raise up those around you with acceptance and support.