The message I’m getting for this New Moon is one of gentle transformation and re-assessing your focus and direction.
Like a butterfly working out of the crystals, obviously there will be some struggle – and being hard on yourself only slows down or halts the process. A caterpillar is not all like “Dude- why can’t you get it together and just BE A BUTTERFLY?” Because there is a natural process. Just in the same way you’re going through your own process – and you get to become a butterfly a thousand times over!
Here are my recommendations to make the most of this New Moon this week:
1>>> Intention, energy and inspired action = attraction.. Review what you wanted at the start of the year, or maybe at the last New Moon. How is it coming along? What is your perception of it? Look further down the road to see if you are headed in the direction you really feel called to? Re-affirm your responsibility (no blame game here) and commitment or if intuitively you feel the need, make a shift in what you want.
2>>> Be flexible, but take action. As always release the ‘hows’ this is not the time to make a huge detailed plan, for now affirming your direction and commitment is plenty. Release anything else that you feel is ‘blocking’ you. The best action you can take right now will likely be a balance between self-care/ grounding and putting your plans into action in ways that are outside of your comfort zone. This delicate balance will allow you to continue moving forward at a pace that is sustainable rather than big flame/ self-resentment for not being more productive cycle.
3>>> As with every day it doesn’t matter how you felt about something yesterday, what direction you took or choices you made. This is a new opportunity to decide what choices, direction, and life you want. You don’t have to wait for the New Moon to release tight control and accept full responsibility for your life.