For the purpose of this post I’m talking about online business. I’m talking about service based solopreneurs. Making a living from their passion and gifts with a flair for spirituality/ wellbeing.
I’ll bet at one point or another you’ve been here: seeing others doing amazing things with their business. KNOWING full well that you have what it takes to get there – yet you’ve been dancing around your goals for years. Making progress yes – but not that outrageously ludicrous like you’re seeing them do.
You just want to get to a consistent place in business and it can be infuriating to see others (even those biz besties you totally love) surpassing you and seemingly flowing towards their goals while you struggle to get your shit together for another month.
Thoughts will go through your head: well I’ll have to be more consistent, I’ll have to work more hours, I’ll have to learn these 5 new strategies and be present on all my social media. I need to do more to get there. This is a classic symptom of comparatitis.
Comparing yourself to others – no matter how quickly they build their practice will not speed up your own progress.
So what is the deal then? Why am I having such a rough time?
Just like every person is unique – every path is unique. We don’t all come into this life with a set amount of success blocks comparable to our peers. With the same past life baggage and gifts and we certainly don’t have the same programming from the time we arrive – let alone inherited programs.
There is a ton of variables here and what I’m really getting at is just because someone is doing well in their business does not mean you’re a failure. The business coach in me wants to let you know that having strategy, accountability, and intuition on your side are key (if you’re looking for a solution for this, check out my mastermind) but here are 5 things you can do right now to cut the shit, stop focusing on others, stop feeling like you have too many blocks or like you don’t have what it takes:
#1 Social media feed. If you spend time here this needs to be a priority. If you are on social media for marketing make sure you have a strategy and a plan so you’re not wasting like ALL day scrolling and comparing – ug talk about counterproductive! Also hide people from your feed that don’t lift you up. If that happens to be your biz bestie who is rocking it that is ok. You don’t need to unfriend to just take an info detox.
#2 Forgive and heal. Do some journal work to see how you feel about yourself right now as it relates to biz. Chances are pretty good there is some self-blame energy going on in there – “I could have…” or “I should have…”. These emotions are so totally normal, but sometimes giving yourself compassion and love is not a priority so make it one. Choose to forgive yourself (even if there is logically nothing to forgive). Give yourself some credit, you’ve worked through so much to get here. The more you continue to love and build yourself up the better your business will do, as you will be recognizing and celebrating your value and that energy comes through to your clients and prospects.
#3 Get some perspective. Zoom out in your minds eye for a minute. So that you are looking down at Earth. Do you see how fortunate you are compared to so many? Do you see how far you’ve come? Do you see how amazing it is that you have the opportunity to shine in your Soul purpose? This is huge!! Feel into the abundance you have. Let yourself focus on it and revel in it. We all have our own beliefs, but I believe we come into this life – knowing what we are signing up for and we also come into this life fully equipped to deal with what is thrown at us. As long as we are in touch with our personal power we have everything we need.
#4 Tune into your personal power. You are slugging away doing the work. Releasing resistance and striving through. Don’t forget through all of this – and all the info and strategies and businessey business that ultimately you have the power. Ultimately it is your intuition that has the answers. Ultimately you are BUILT for this, you are the evolution, you are creating ripple effects. You’re likely headed down uncharted territory with a unique combination of skills and as a trailblazer is can be scary and easy to doubt yourself so the more time you spend in your personal power the more you will take action to reflect who you REALLY are.
#5 Get some clarity. Sometimes that is all that it takes. Sit down and figure out where you want to be – do a brain dump of ALL the things it will take to get there. Then decide on 1 action you can do today – and do it – NOW. Feel the sense of accomplishment. Now keep the momentum going daily connecting in to your big vision of where you’re headed then asking what 1 thing can I do today to move towards this vision? Even if it feels scary or pushes the limits of your comfort zone keep moving. Your vision, your clients, your purpose is so much bigger than anything that you think has the power to stop you. Be bigger, expanded and clear, no ‘blocks’ can get in your way from this space.
You’ve totally got this. Go easy on yourself then expand and conquer!