Today we are exploring the practical ascension energies of September 2023 – though these messages may be relevant to you at other times of the year so if you feel yourself drawn to this pay attention to see what jumps out and applies to you.
When I create these forecasts I am channeling and working with a collective of guides known as the Ascension Collective, this massive support system consists of archangels, ascended masters, galactic guides, earth and gaia energies, and more that are here in connection with our consciousness to assist us through this journey of awakening and ascending.
Since this is a general ascension forecast, it’s possible not all themes will apply to you. Pay attention to what pulls at you, what sparks, and allow your own inner knowing to fill in the details of how this theme applies in your life.
As I tapped into the energies for September I was presented with 5 themes:
- Remember who you are
- Activate your cosmic potential
- Holding space for your personal transformation
- Harnessing your inner knowing and stability
- Balancing your multidimensional self
These themes all work together in an intrinsic way to help bring us in and through a potentially very powerful month for making choices that align us deeper to the core of who we are and why we are here as well as embodiment of these truths.
September is the 9th month, with the 9/9 gateway already carries with it the energy of mastery, of bringing cycles to a close, the integration phase where we are getting ready to reform in a more expansive way, with all our lessons integrated.
All the personal reflection and growth you have been guided to do this year is bubbling up, you are being asked once again to remember the truth of who you really are. To feel into this truth, feel the connection and impact that it creates in your body. Feel the potential of who you are rise in your core. You don’t need to have absolute clarity on who you are, why you are here and every other bit of information to connect to this flow. It is available for you now. This connection to remembrance can be felt on a vibration level. From this vibration level, this inner knowing of who you are begins to amplify in your energy and you begin to actually densify or bring to 3D reality more and more of who you are.
This is incredibly potent in your life because as you remember who you are, you start to let increasing amounts of beliefs and programs that are not you come to the surface and be released. You are invited to create this in September, holding space for your personal transformation.
Here we are already looking at the themes of remembering who you are, activating your cosmic potential and holding space for personal transformation.
Let’s break it down a bit more and feel into the practical ascension energies running throughout:
Theme #3 for September Holding Space For Personal Transformation:
With up to 7 planets in retrograde this month, there is no doubt that we are invited to our next evolution. Many areas of our lives will be highlighted throughout the month and energies will move and shift rapidly. Creating space for your transformation can mean many things, in this channel, we are being guided to create the mental/ emotional/ energetic space through practicing being present. When we are present and we allow our minds to center we can more clearly feel, hear, see of know what energies are most prominent for us – what we are being asked to let go of, to explore and engage with. All of this beautiful clarity and evolution is able to communicate with us as we create space for it to flow.
From this we are invited to theme #4 for September, harnessing your inner wisdom and stability. This theme has been with us for a while and will continue to stay with us. If you want to dive deeper into the practice of this theme you can find the link to my workshop and spiritual support session – Harnessing Your Inner Wisdom and Stability in the show notes below.
We know we are moving through some personal evolution for September. We know we are being guided to create that space, those moments of presence where our soul self can communicate to us. Once we get to this place what do we do? How do we bring more of our soul self, our light, our core frequency into form? This is where the theme of harnessing your inner wisdom and stability comes in. The more we allow ourselves to connect without pressure, judgment or expectation to our inner wisdom the more we expand the communication channel. The more we listen and take action on the information we receive the more we will see shifts in our life and increase the strength of these messages.
When we increase our connection to our inner wisdom 2 things can happen. Option 1 Maybe we love the feeling of the connection and we do it because we love it but don’t really feel clear on what to do with it, or don’t really take action from our inner wisdom. Option 2 we stabilize the frequency of our inner wisdom and bring it into our physical body. We stabilize and bring it into form so this frequency of who we really are, this inner wisdom begins to permeate our lives, we find ourselves making choices, taking action and perceiving the world in ways that are increasingly aligned to our soul self.
Stabilizing the energy of your inner knowing is an important factor in creating capacity. We all have a never-ending, always flowing stream of light flowing to us. This is our soul frequency. Yet we can only handle so much of it. As it is part of the ascension process, we are being guided to stretch what we can hold and express. We can feel this when we commune with our soul self, or guides or Source or the Earth, that feeling of connection, of oneness and harmony. As we stabilize our inner knowing, and increase our capacity we take more of this frequency and feeling with us throughout our daily lives. We literally anchor more light within the cells of our body and carry it with us.
So far in September, we are paying attention to how present we are, we are creating space mentally for our soul self to flow through. We are connecting with our inner wisdom and stabilizing that connection through creating the capacity to hold more of our light. All of this is helping you to remember who you are, and is activating your cosmic potential.
Some of the key days of September where Ascension energies will be high will flow in at the start of the month as some retrogrades shift and our first Galactic Activation day falls on September 1. As we move through September the Galactic activation days continue on the 8th, 12th, and 29th presenting us with opportunities for deeper connection.
Often I will find on the actual galactic activation days it seems like not much is happening, yet when I tap in below the surface there is lots going on energetically. Remember not to put too much pressure on yourself to ‘make the most’ of these days. As long as you take a few moments to be present and be with yourself you are well connected.
The full moon also happens to fall on September 29th, one of our activation days and this will be a great opening for deeper clarity. Consider where you want that brilliant moonlight and cosmic rays to shine in your life? Where do you need clarity, a new perspective, a creative solution, deep release, or healing?
All of the energetic activities of this month take us into the 5th theme of balancing your multidimensional self. The more connected you are to your inner wisdom and stability the more you will be able to navigate this theme. This theme reminds us that there is a time to be deeply grounded, deeply in 3D in the world we inhabit, and connected to what we see, feel and sense. There is also a time to detach from the 3D world, to expand your consciousness and explore. This cycles around for each of us in unique ways that help us to move through ascension energies in a balanced way. You are all the parts of you. You are the you that is the daily activities, that is multidimensionally connected, that is part of a family or community. You are the you that is a child, a teen, a student, a master. In balancing your multidimensional self you notice who is at the forefront of your embodiment, perspective and choices.
With all the planetary retrogrades and openings for deeper clarity in most areas of our life we want to practice awareness that the aspect of ourselves that is the best match for the situation is who is at the forefront. We may be asked to explore what we desire going forward in relationships, money, life purpose, spiritual connection, communication, personal growth, our goals and dreams and our work life.
As we move through our own unique combination of these energies this month it is key to be present and create that space so that what we are moving through is clear, and we are working with the aspects of ourselves who will be most beneficial to our evolution.
If you are feeling drawn to focus on increasing your capacity through harnessing your inner wisdom and stability learn more about the workshop in the show notes below.
Happy September!