Today on the Universal Laws spotlight is the law of cause and effect (aka law of causation) – which most are at least somewhat aware of. Some consider the Universal Law of Karma the same, but I will be coving that in another post.
This law in the most simple form states that every action (or energy) has an equal and opposing reaction (or balancing energy)
When we start to look at this law spiritually we see that each thought we think has a reaction as well. I want to look at it today through the lens of making positive changes that impact your life.
When we are going about positive changes in food, movement, habits, mindset, relationship – anything – many of us tend to be pretty ruthless and hard on ourselves about perceived ‘failures’ that happen on the road to transformation.
Some of us may outright say to ourselves “what the hell is wrong with you? why do you keep doing this?” others may keep things tightly under wraps with “ok whatever I’ll do better tomorrow” but keep the underlying disappointment in ourselves just below the surface where we don’t have to look at it. Letting it percolate and either explode when we are triggered or just keep us in a slight energy of depression and doubt.
The way cause and effect is working here:
Cause: Being hard on yourself when making a change
Effect: It makes it harder to create that change because your energy is giving signals that it wants to perpetuate the habit (because if you’re feeling this way about yourself it means that your self-worth and self-acceptance are just not lining up with the new habit you’re desiring to create.
Solution: Consider the effect of your cause when making changes. If you really allow yourself to feel the emotions that come up when you slip us moving through change, replace self-judgment with forgiveness. Forgive yourself right away. Have compassion for yourself right away. Use it as an opportunity to look within and ask what part of you is still calling for that old habit. This is an important key. If you are trying to make a change in your life that is not congruent with who you really are – you will keep hitting resistance because your true nature wants you to move closer to who you really are, not away from it. Asking yourself who am I making this change for? What is my motivation? Am I moving closer to who I am at a Soul level or away from it? Once you have your clarity then get back into the flow of nurturing yourself and adjusting course if required. That inner reflection is important to check in with to see if there are any pivots that need to happen to prevent you from going too far down a path that isn’t best for you.
Let’s take a look at the cause and effect through this lens:
Cause: Slip up, forgive, compassion, understand, nurture
Effect: Expansive love energy radiates making it easier to stay committed to practices that enrich your life, opportunities, support and success can flow in from all directions when you are in this energy
Looking at the Law of Cause and Effect in larger terms would be that each cause also creates a chain reaction. Now don’t get too wrapped up in this because considering the chain effect for every thought will drive a person insane and paralyze them from taking any action. A good key to follow is that if it feels great in your heart it is highest and best – even though you don’t understand the whole chain of effects being created yet.
We always have a choice, in how we react, how we treat ourselves and others and what we choose to give our attention to. This Universal law can work tremendously in our favor when we are truly committed to our best life and can smack us straight in the face when we are pretending to be someone we are not (victim, untalented, unworthy etc.)
For those of you who understand the correlation between our health and our energy, you can see the work of cause and effect everywhere. The unprocessed/ repressed emotions cause the dis-ease in the body. It is a very solid way to understand this law.
This law blends in beautifully to many other laws including the law of attention to create the reality that we experience.
This laws empowers us to create the reality we desire, to become the person we know we are within and to do so by making small habitual changes and changes in the way we feel about ourselves in order to do so. When a baby is learning to walk we don’t scold them for falling on their butt, we love them unconditionally because they are stepping into the person they know they are deep down.
When we are adults some of us are lucky enough to have the explicit support of others, which is helpful and sends good energy our way – but ultimately we are the only ones with the powers of self-transformation so learning to be your own support system will get you using and wielding the law of cause and effect beautifully.