To help you with the week ahead, close your eyes take a few deep breaths and then choose the card you feel called to. It’s that easy. Be confident in your choices and the more you trust your intuition, the stronger it will become. So this week we are contemplating what areas of our life we need to look at/ work on this week. Choose card 1, 2 or 3 now, then scroll down to discover your card.
The Enchanted Map Oracle Cards by Colette Baron-Reid
Card 1 Coming Apart
What one thing has worked for you in the past but when you stop and think about it, it really is just not doing it for you anymore? A relationship? A job? A habit? This week consider changing course. Sometimes when we make commitments it seems that the only thing to do is follow through even if it hurts us in the long run. Maybe you just took a little more than you can handle and it’s time to ask for help. Either way, this is a great week for you to think about what your goals are, where you want to be and consider if your current actions are reflecting this. If not, know that it is always ok to change course. On the flip side if you find someone is trying to get away from you, let them go. This space will bring great things into your life.
Card 2 One-Ring Circus
Do you feel independent? If not you should! The law of attraction asks you to first get the feeling and then the reality will come. Your current journey is requiring you to be fiercely independent, if others don’t understand, that is totally ok – they don’t have to, but it also should not stop you from moving forward. Only you truly know what’s right for you. Think of all that you have learned up to this points. All the things that grabbed your attention. All of these little things make you perfectly capable, and it’s time to start believing in yourself! You could also look at this card from another independence angle, that maybe you are relying too much on someone else, or they are depending too much on you. Unless you’ve got a baby attached to your hip (then grab a babysitter first) – it’s independence to all this week!
Card 3 Rock Bottom
Love, love, love this card. It can be hard to hear at times, but once you let it soak in and understand the value and possibilities of what’s out there for you, things start to get seriously exciting! Basically what this card is saying is that you can’t keep doing what you’re doing and thrive happily. Maybe you already feel like you hit a wall, or like you’re just stuck and stagnate? A new direction is calling you, now is the time to listen, you’ll know it’s right for you because it will feel good, it will feel easy and you will be excited to do it! The key is to surrender. Accept what has transpired up until this point and move on. If you can do this magic will start to happen all around you and the more you notice these tiny miracles the more miraculous they will become – but only if you let you of the past.
Want More?
Grab one of my 7 card life purpose spreads and get a set of solid actions and advice to move you closer to where you want to be. Ask a question or just hang back and see what the Universe delivers up to you. You get a PDF of the spread and my (sometimes long-winded) explanations of each card. Plus as a bonus I include even more nuggets of wisdom about how to use the law of attraction to move forward and how to care for your chakras that need healing, as it relates to the cards that have come up for you.
If you’re interested just click the image, pay by PayPal and you’ll be re-directed to let me know your question. From there I’ll email you to let you know when your spread will be ready (within the week.)
These spreads are so much fun, and implementing the results can bring about real transformation and clarity in your life!