To help you with the week ahead, close your eyes take a few deep breaths and then choose the card you feel like choosing. It’s that easy. Be confident in your choices and the more you trust your intuition, the stronger it will become. So this week we are contemplating how to best move forward and honor ourselves this week. I have been finding the energy a bit tricky this week and a dose of Goddess inspiration is just what we need. Consider how you can apply these insights to your own life and create a magical week! Choose card 1, 2 or 3 now, then scroll down to discover your card.
Goddess Guidance Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue
Card 1 Kali
On the tail of last week’s new Moon Kali expresses that in order to let something new into your life, you will have to release something old. This could be an old belief that is holding you back, or it could be as simple as de-cluttering to make room for more beauty to come into your life. Consider what you want to bring into your life or start this week. What belief or procession can you shed to help clear the way? If you are experiencing something that feels like a loss, know that it is only a transition and it is for the best. Try to keep a positive perspective, sometimes we have to get a push out of our comfort zone for a reason.
Card 2 Abundantia
You may feel that it is a struggle for money to come to you, but the message that is coming through is that you just need to allow it. Every time you worry or think negatively about money you push it away. Every time you offer gratitude and appreciation for what you already have, you are drawing it closer to you. This card suggests that you really have nothing to worry about! Expect to receive some extra money this week or a gift. Concentrate on how excited you will be, then be prepared to be amazed! Remember to be thankful for abundance in all of it’s forms (money, gifts, time, freedom, health, nourishment etc.)
Card 3 Isolt
You are is in the process of healing from a relationship struggle. Start this week by letting go of feeling of betrayal, resentment, loneliness and grief. Healing yourself takes time and it is important that you are gentle and caring. Go and be in nature this week, it helps your inner voice come out to sooth you and offer new directions that feel good. Being in nature will ground you and remind you that there is solid ground that we are all connected to. Love is being sent to you now, all you have to do is breathe to receive it. Breathe.
Want More?
Grab one of my 7 card life purpose spreads and get a set of solid actions and advice to move you closer to where you want to be. Ask a question or just hang back and see what the Universe delivers up to you. You get a PDF of the spread and my (sometimes long-winded) explanations of each card. Plus as a bonus I include even more nuggets of wisdom about how to use the law of attraction to move forward and how to care for your chakras that need healing, as it relates to the cards that have come up for you.
If you’re interested just click the image, pay by PayPal and you’ll be re-directed to let me know your question. From there I’ll email you to let you know when your spread will be ready (within the week.)
These spreads are so much fun, and implementing the results can bring about real transformation and clarity in your life!