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To help you with the week ahead, close your eyes take a few deep breaths and then choose the card you feel called to. It’s that easy. Be confident in your choices and the more you trust your intuition, the stronger it will become. We are being guided on how to make the most of the energy this week. Choose card 1, 2 or 3 now, then scroll down to discover your card.
Ascended Masters Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue
You are likely in need of some clarity and understanding this week. If you find yourself seeking that outside of yourself, this is a signal that the answers you need are making their way to you and it is up to you to hear them. Take some quiet time this week, shut off the TV, just be with yourself and focus on your breathing. No need to learn how to meditate to get this process started. Just be still. After a few minutes ask your question. What comes up that you know as truth? Do you need to release fear in order to hear the answer? Once you understand it is time to take action, but first you need to get still and listen up. You may also get the answers you need from talking less and listening more in conversations 😉
Quan Yin is one of my favorite Goddesses to work with, she pulls forth compassion, and most importantly self-compassion. This week she is urging you to let go of what you are struggling with, have compassion for yourself. If that means declaring “I give up!” then so be it, the energy of passing control over to the Universe may be just what you need. If there is a particular emotion like anger, grief or a grudge this is a powerful week for you to just let it go. This week give yourself lots of love and let go of the rest, the scales are tipped in your favor.
Getting a little frustrated that things are taking longer than expected to come to fruition? Don’t worry, in fact that frustration is not doing you any favors. Replace it with persistence, because it is still coming. You have got this. Repeat with me ” I’ve got this!”. Like when a seed is sprouting, but not quite visible above the earth things are happening. Take small steps consistently (goodbye procrastination) and breathe in patience, your persistence is paying off – even when you can’t see it yet. Be fully committed to your dreams, and release discouragement to Lugh.