Want to get a custom reading? Grab a custom 7 card reading, ask a question or get guidance for the month ahead. $29 this week only to celebrate leap year!
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To help you with the week ahead, close your eyes take a few deep breaths and then choose the card you feel called to. It’s that easy. Be confident in your choices and the more you trust your intuition, the stronger it will become. We are being guided on how to make the most of the energy this week. Choose card 1, 2 or 3 now, then scroll down to discover your card.
The Enchanted Map Oracle Cards by Colette Baron-Reid
This is a really interesting week. It starts off on a day that only appears once every 4 years and transitions into the March. The energy this week is all over the place, so finding our way is the challenge. If you chose this card it feels a little like you are wandering, kind of going with what you’ve been doing – but not really checking in to see how you, yourself at your core are doing. Like you are looking behind you or ahead of you, thinking about your future but not fully living NOW. Having the card show up reversed like this really suggests that it is time to start living life now – don’t search out past or future – get into what you love NOW.
Sometimes when we aren’t used to using our intuition to make decisions and take action we can be led astray by logic, stubbornness or others opinions. It feels like that kinda thing is really happening for you. Like you veered off the path slightly, and that is all well and fine because getting back on is hella easy. The worst thing you can do right now is to get discouraged, if you do go there, let it last for about 5 seconds and then do what you have to to turns things around – do whatever makes you happy and gets you distracted so you can start to see your situation from another angle. Something better is waiting just over there for you. Don’t give up, but do notice how you can be open to more support from the Universe and your intuition.
What happens when you make a choice? You may become fearful that it is the wrong choice, or that you are travelling further away from your past. I get this strong feeling this week that pushing away choices and responsibility is looking more and more appealing to you. “Let someone else decide for me!” or comprising when you really don’t feel like your best interest is at heart. The more you step into and stay in your own power, being fully responsible for yourself – the more you will enjoy where things are headed. Take a good look at the choices you have made – and get super honest about your motives for making them. As the week goes on things will become more clear, and you will have the power to make a new choice, clean up your loose ends and get back to fully empowered.
Want to get a custom reading? Grab a custom 7 card reading, ask a question or get guidance for the month ahead. $29 this week only to celebrate leap year!
PAY HERE through Paypal and you will be redirected to submit your question and email. Card readings are delivered within 48 hours.