To help you with the week ahead, close your eyes take a few deep breaths and then choose the card you feel called to. It’s that easy. Be confident in your choices and the more you trust your intuition, the stronger it will become. We are being guided on how to make the most of the energy this week. Choose card 1, 2 or 3 now, then scroll down to discover your card.
Archangel Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue
This is great news, and things will only become more clear for you as we approach the full moon next week. This beautiful image of Haniel, looking like a passion warrior is the type of energy that would be beneficial for you to channel this week. This is a week to ask yourself, where are you holding back, where can you do more and be more of yourself? Where can you indulge your passions to create the life of joy you want right now? When you just KNOW something is right for you and you are drawn to it through passion, pay close attention, you are getting a message about your next step.
Your messengers are all around this week. Pay attention to the guidance your receive (feel into it first, if it feels true and loving, this is the good stuff I’m talking about) because not only are messages incoming to your intuition and inner guidance, but you will actually hear the messages through others people. songs, repetition etc. The good news is that Zadkiel is working with you, so he will make sure the messages are easy to understand. Keep paying attention and when something is repetitive and feels loving, that is your cue to take action – especially if it answers a question you have been asking.
Breathe in, Breathe out. All is well. You can fully trust in yourself, in the Universe and in things working out. Maybe you have been feeling like something is challenging you? Have you also been asking for divine help lately? The way the angels and the divine work is that we need to clear out the old to bring in the new. So this can get topsy-turvy sometimes. Don’t worry about working too hard right now, spend time in meditation, exercising or getting outdoors. Have some fun! The easier you go on yourself the easier the transition to the next step will be.