Learn more about Rebalance 2023 here.
As we move on the ascension/ awakening path one common thing we will all encounter is wounded aspects of self. This may come through in personal development as we examine our habits and patterns and make sense of what is really us and what is non beneficial programs we are perpetuating. It may come about as we work with shamanic energy, journeys or plant medicines as we encounter symbols and and representations of our wounded aspects. (please note the spoken podcast usually has more included than what is written as I generally go off book)
When I am working with wounded aspects the way that I see them is as a pure version of yourself surrounded by debris, decay, distortion and illusion. At the core of these wounded aspects is pure light. Just before you get to the layer that is pure light is where these pure soul aspects reside.
When you work with wounded aspects and clear away the illusions and densities that have built up, you have an opportunity to uncover more of your soul truth, more depths to who you really are. When outside, protective layers are no longer needed and you see who you really are at the core.
These pure soul aspects may originate and carry the frequency of a past incarnation, a version of your from your soul history. It may reveal itself as an ancestral energy that you are here to rewrite. It may also show up as a version of you from this lifetime.
As an example I was working with a wounded aspect recently with my shamanic EFT practice and this rock solid, heavy, burdensome energy was encouraging me to hide away. To stay down, stay low, stay out of the way. Naturally the logic can kick in here and try to fill in the blanks and reasons as to why this originated, making connections to early childhood maybe. Yet when you suspend the need to figure it out and instead allow the natural unfolding and witness this soul aspect free you get an even deeper glimpse. In this example the pure soul aspect was a fae version of myself. An ancient, wise and deeply heart and earth connected aspect. As the layers peeled away, the karmic energy released and she came to the forefront to reveal herself and reintegrate with my consciousness. She revealed her own story to me and she also revealed how she has been showing up in my life since then encouraging and calling for assistance. As I reconnected to this aspect I could feel my whole being lighten, more fun, joy and pleasure began to anchor and I could feel a part of myself click into place. Not that it had been missing before, just that it was so covered in debris, old programs and karmic energy that I couldn’t see it for the golden, shining asset that it was.
I will also see aspects of self come in pairs or groups. Where one is stoking the fire, feeding the illusion of the other. I call this one the manager or boss. She’s doing what she can to keep you safe (from her perspective) by adding to the density of her partner or group aspect of self. I’ve been doing quite a bit around visibility and expansion lately so here is what came through for another encounter with wounded aspects of self. In this practice the wounded aspect had learned that it was not safe to be seen (basically) she was based on a version of myself from her early teen years when I got to the core. Her manager was a soul/ ancestral energy with traumatic wounds of suffering for the truth. Suffering and persecution of being seen as your true self. Everytime that teenage aspect of myself would get some leeway and move towards being visible this manager would come in and throw a blanket of leaves and dirt over the teen and remind her to stay hidden. Now at the core of each of these energies was joy, hope, possibility, fun, magic and so, so much love. As the illusions dropped away and the manager revealed herself and was able to reconnect to the teen in the mentorship way she always intended it anchored through me as though I had myself reconnected to a mentor and guide. Streams of clarity and unconditional support and approval become available to me.
When you are feeling wounded or working with wounded aspects of yourself remember that at her core she is light, and just before the light she is your soul history, your gifts and blessings that have gotten a little worn out and weighed down with all this density. Always be gentle with yourself, always care as deeply for yourself as possible and your wounded aspect will reveal themselves as gifts for you.
I teach my Shamanic EFT practice in my rebalance 2023 group, and you can learn how to get access to that teaching in the show notes below. I specifically keep the cost very low so everyone who feels called can get in on it.
Every single part of you has value and light at its core, even when that feels far from the truth. Even when it feels like the depression, the anxiety or the heaviness of the current circumstance is you. It is just what you are moving through. Take a few moments to breathe into your heart and send gratitude and love to yourself. You are growing, learning and coming back to the truth of who you are every single day. You are on the ascension path and the light within is beaming at you to keep going, let this recalibration process unfold and be there for yourself.