The topic of soul truth has been coming to the surface lately as a message to get out and incorporate into my work. Today I’m looking at what exactly Soul truth is, why you want to connect to it and 3 ways to connect to your Soul truth in everyday life.
As always my intention is to bring the spiritual, ascension enegies into daily life. To make them casual and a normal part of our existence as humans.
In this way we embody the Divine human and we erradicate old densities, programs and ways of being. We anchor 5D frequencies, we live our purpose and mission and we tip the scales of ascension energies and benefit the collective of humanity. This helps things on a collective level rearrange and harmonize so that more of the solution energy comes to the surface. So beyond our own personal journey and soul work the more we anchor these energies by living and feeling them the more the collective benefits.
There is no doubt this is a time of transformation in the world and prior to harmonized ascension living there must be a time of chaos. For things to break down before the breakthrough. This means that for us as lightworkers and changemakers we have a delicate job of witnessing the chaos yet not getting pulled into the drama and adding to the fear and old programs.
When we connect to our Soul truth we reclaim our divine connection. We reignite our power and we gain a higher perspective and frequency so that energetically speaking we can be the change. We also empower ourselves to live life to the fullest. To embrace who we really are and rise above our fears and hesitations that are a natural part of the old program.
Each of us has a unique soul frequency and soul truth. We incarnated here to have a unique experience, and that experience is driven by our perspective. Now our perspective is such a powerful ally in awakening, and it can also be our biggest shadow and challenge. As we connect to our Soul truth we recalibtae into our highest available perspective. We reunite with the Divinity within us. And when we can bring that into our daily lives we live our Soul truth, we experience the perspective and our reality will reflect back to us that magical, divine, empowered frequency that is within us.
Because your Soul experience, truth, perspective and reality is individual no one can tell you what that is. You can be pointed in the right direction, be given clues and puzzle pieces by others but ultimately only you can experience your soul truth and the transformation that it brings to your life.
When you connect to your soul truth your take so much pressure off yourself. You allow the wounded aspects of your ego to rest and take a back seat. You step into your Divine ego, the individual that is connected to all that is, and yet is having a unique individual experience. This is true co-creation in the age of transformation.
Your ego doesn’t go away, because it’s important to be the individual you came here to be, to bring the unique frequency and impact you came here to deliver. But that ego opperates from the Divine connection, not the wounded story. When this happens the ego lets go of the old story and habits of putting the pressure on herself to figure it out and get it done, and instead co-creates more fully and completely. Allowing a greater sense of ease, trust and harmony within your mental, physical and emotional bodies.
When you connect to your Soul self you anchor into the peace and joy of being who you really are. There is no other experience or energy that will touch this in terms of transformation. When you match who you really are on a soul level, it just feels amazing. This is that flow state, this is knowing that weherether you are being or doing you are the embdooment of the Divine. You are empowered. You are secure. You are supported and you are pure magic. This is your soul truth, it’s just a matter of allowing and choosing to tap into the frequency that you already are.
When you connect to your soul truth you naturally dissolve illusions and programs that keep you feeling stuck or less than. You can more clearly see the truth of sitatuations and honour your role, as well as everyone elses in this schoolroom earth.
Connecting to your soul truth is a practice, it is a habit that you must choose in order to bring increasing amounts to fruition in your life. So let’s look at some ways you can connect to your unique, magical and monumental soul truth.
Today we are looking at Soul truth in everyday life, so most importantly we must first stop. Stop what we are doing. Stop looking at our phone. Stop being outside of our body and bring our awareness within. This mindful stopping is the key to disengaging with old programs and habits, because once we stop we have an opportunity to create a whole new reality.
Key #1 to reconnecting to your soul truth is to shift your perspective. It’s normal and natural that we live our lives and perceive from the perspective of old patterns and habits. That we see things through a certain lens that we have created in our default mode network in our brains. It’s the default for a reason. It’s what we are used to, and without ever stopping this pattern it will just keep repeating, and repeating. So as we stop and open to a new perspective, and ask and feel into what another perspective would be we open the gateway of the new. We open a whole new portal and timeline of reality to show up as a possibility for us.
Key #2 to reconnect to your Soul truth is to engage your free will. Of course we have legions of divine support. We have angels and archangels, we have galactic guides, we have fae, we have earth energies, elements, crystals, ancestors, your higher self and so much more in the non-physical reality. And many of these guides and helpers are actively waiting for your permission to help. They are at the ready to help you to move through challenges, to heal, to shift your perspective, to guide you and show you the way. But they cannot intervene unless you engage your free will. Your free will is a powerful tool, and when you incorporate the mindful use of this in your daily life to request assistance and allow support and healing and let yourself feel that intention and feel that connection you open up deeper to your soul truth. Because the non physical is a huge part of who you are, when you engage this part of you, your soul truth opens and blooms to allow even more divine support and intervention into your reality.
Key #3 to reconnect to your soul truth is to become aware of your frequency. Another mindful practice and one that happens in conjunction with stopping. Get an idea of your current baseline frequency. How are you feeling? What is your current normal? What does your frequency feel like after say a great yoga or meditation or healing session. Get a sense of what you are working with energeticallty and pay attention when that frequency drops, when you notice density and restriction surround you. When you feel like shrinking or hiding from what is going on. When you notice a drop in frequency that is your signal to stop. If you’re in place where it’s safe to do so this is when you take a few moments to disconnect from what is going on around you and connect within. You have so much wisdom within you and we must actively disengage from ‘what is’ to reconnect to the real truth that is within us. This reconnection will likely lead to an awareness of old patterns, beliefs and ways of thinking, or it may lead to a message that has been trying to get through from your higher self and guides. Maybe they needed to take you down with a cold to get you the rest and quiet time you needed to engage with your intuition and understand what needs to shift in your life. Pay attention to your baseline frequency and when you notice the drop go within.
Today is a perfect time to start or reengage with your practice of calibrating into your soul truth. You can start with the practices I mentioned here as a jumping off point – and you can also check out my previous podcast Reconnecting to Soul truth where I guide you through a 20 minute journey to bring more of your soul truth into your frequency field.
If you are resonating with this message and feel a call to deepen and expand your connection to soul truth even more I invite you to check out this link to explore how you can work with me deeper.