Today on the podcast I’m pulling the experience of ascension into focus. This ascension process that I’m referring to is a series of awakenings that continue to lead you into increasing depth and more firmly into understanding and embodiment of your Soul truth. On this path there is a range from small ‘lightbulb moment’ awakening to the much more intense ‘lightning bolt’ awakening and everything in between. In this perspective ascension is a process of dissolving illusions and opening to your truth and unique magic.
There are some very nice, very blissful, very energizing experiences for sure. There are also some challenging aspects that you will be asked to address in order to move through your next veil of illusion. Most often these are represented by beliefs systems and ways of thinking that are no longer serving you as an individual and also no longer serving humanity collectively. Examining these areas can be a challenging process, and more often than not we will not feel like doing it, yet if we take that first step turning towards what is calling for release and letting it reveal itself to us in order to heal we are gifted with a deeper connection to who we really are.
It might not feel like it in the moment but the more you progress on this ascension cycle of awareness, healing, recalibration, integration and growth the more you will see the impact. We might move through hundreds of emotions and memories all at once, or we might take it closer to one piece at a time. There is no right, there is no wrong there is only trusting your own discernment and path.
For today’s podcast I’m pulling 3 things to the forefront.
#1 Your mindset about how ‘hard’ ascension is/ has to be/ has been/ will be
#2 Understanding enlightenment, ascension and how your life will shift
#3 Redefining what is sacred, what is spiritual and what ascension means to you
#1 Your mindset about how ‘hard’ ascension is. Let me first clarify that when I hear the term that something will be hard, I associate it with struggle. To me if something is hard it is unmoving and requires great force to move it/ move through it. I started to develop this belief shortly after my ascension journey began as I experienced emotional release and waves of this as though it would never end. My mind that creates belief systems from ‘evidence’ says this is a really hard process. Because I also held on to the shadow of ‘I have to suffer to ascend’ etc that belief felt very true to me. The solution for this was not to totally shift the belief into ascension is all rainbows and burning shit under the full moon because that just does not feel true to me either. The solution for me was a slight language shift. Transforming ‘hard’ to ‘challenging’. To me the word challenging invokes feelings of adventure, curiosity, into the unknown of what you are capable of. I love to be challenged, I grow and thrive in this space as I challenge myself past my comfort zone and directly through where I am feeling the most fear. This gentle switch in my perception of the ascension process allowed my life circumstance to ‘turn off’ the evidence flow of things being hard which felt disempowering into allowing ascension challenges to come at me full force. Come at – go ahead, I know fully and completely that this challenge will guide me into a deeper part of myself and this to me feels super empowering. This feels doable and exciting. Be aware of the language you use around your journey and how that might be creating ‘evidence’ in your reality. In this way you can seriously lighten up your ascension journey.
#2 Understanding enlightenment, ascension and how your life will shift When you go through an ascension upgrade, which you could also call a level of enlightenment or awakening (when your perception, understanding and embodiment of what is truth about you and or the world expands) it doesn’t mean everything in your life shifts instantly. Most often we continue to do the same tasks and actions yet feel different about them. Our perception shifts and in this way our reality will also begin to shift. Even when your circumstances stay the same, you shift within and the magic expands around you.
I’m pulling a popular paraphrased Zen Buddhism quote to highlight this point:
“Before enlightenment, chop wood, carry water. After enlightenment, chop wood, carry water.”
This works and applies to ascension as well. You go about your modern life, then you more deeply awaken and your perspective shifts or you heal in some way and experience a renewed sense of energy. You may go back to the very same tasks but your experience of it shifts. You can even experience this on the level of gratitude choice to see what I mean.
You can do chores around your house in the perspective of ‘have to/ obligation’ and even frustration and have a draining experience or you can go into that same set of chores in a state of gratitude (you have to make the choice if this doesn’t come naturally), you can have music on and tap into how the energy of your home is clarifying and supporting you and have a completely different experience, an energizing one. The key is that after each awakening you return to modern life, but with a different outlook and access to a different set of solutions – and this is exactly what we need right now, as many people as possible tapping into the energy of their unique solutions. You come to a place of harmony with your environment yet harmony isn’t something that sticks and stays around forever, that harmony must be felt into and moved with, readjusted and realigned and that is what this ascension process creates, a deeper harmony within your body, mind and spirit. A deeper harmony with life. In this way you bring a lightness to ascension by de-mystifying it down to a doable level that reintegrates back into your life. If you are ascending only to keep it secret and contained to say an hour a month and not allowing the natural shifts in your life then you are missing out on 90% of the magic and fun! Get in on this and pull that enlightenment into your life.
Trusting that your process is unfolding perfectly for you, and that what you feel called to do within the intelligence of the heart will always guide you to where you need to be.
#3 Redefining what is sacred, what is spiritual and what ascension means to you. We’ve been engrained in this very structured, masculine approach to spirituality in so many ways it is natural that we still hold many subconscious beliefs about what is actually sacred or spiritual, what is and is not part of your ascension process. One solution for this is to soften and relax into what those terms actually mean to us as individuals. In doing so we lighten the entire process because we remove the restraints of what others might define or what society in general defines these words as. So the first step here is to consider what they mean to you. What makes you feel connected? Connected to yourself? Connected to the Universe/ Source/ God? Connected to the Earth? This will start to open up your unique definition and start to break down the walls of comparing your journey to someone else or trying to replicate the journey that a coach or author took – when honestly it just isn’t perfectly aligned for you.
This process breaks down pressure that you put on yourself to fit into this ascension scene and instead let the process unfold for you with freedom not bound by restrictions of your mental programs. You come back to your harmony and can tune out what everyone else is vibing at and enjoy your ride.
With this in mind let me show some examples of seemingly non-spiritual things that can be a huge part of your awakening process:
- Drinking coffee. Honestly. When I drink that delicious black nectar of the gods before anyone in my house is awake it is as much a spiritual experience and communion as anything else in my practice. It brings me into my body, into mindfulness and allows me to experience the pure magic and beauty of earth. A little much for a cup of coffee? Not to me. This is a part of my sacred connection and feeds my energy as such. Plus the mindful awareness and the gratitude that I bless my coffee with literally restructures the water in the coffee to echo that vibe throughout my body and morning.
- Any cooking/ baking/ food prep can be a beautiful expression of sacred energy. Having fun in the kitchen, dancing around, moving with the energy of cooking. All of it can bring you into harmony with yourself and this is our goal of ascension afterall.
- Movement, walking, playing with your dog or kids again when you take action here your heart lets your brain know it’s all good, then your brain produces the happy chemicals, then your body relaxes and you are no longer in state of fear – you blossom into an open container for the Universe and for Divine inspiration to flow because you yourself are in a state of flow.
Replace these examples with anything from your life that your Soul calls for, that you feel in your heart chakra and in this way you are participating in ascension and you are dedicating to your spiritual practice it just might look different than the person called to meditation for an hour a day but will be a hundred fold more impactful for you.
You can turn any experience into a spiritually enriching one. It’s not about planting into a specific set of rules and practices that MUST be complete in order to be successfully participating in ascension. This is based in a dominant masculine energy that feels less and less aligned as we evolve to incorporate more of the divine feminine.
Let’s decide right here and now that your ascension process is no place for guilt, shame or comparing to anyone else. You’re doing it right and the path is unfolding.