Reminder to check out the May 2019 Forecast here for additional insight.
This week we are encouraged to understand who we are on a deeper level. This is something that can be understood deeply in the heart even when the brain and our limited programming can’t paint the full picture.
We are collapsing timelines this week and stepping into an expanded version of reality.
This might sound insane – but feel into it with your heart instead of your brain and see what comes up.
Examine how you see yourself. As though you are a character and you can step out of your body and see yourself through the eyes of the observer.
This personality is only 1 tiny dimension of you. Yet many of us are putting all the pressure on this one person to get it all figured out. The more we can practice and allow ourselves to open and surrender to our Soul gifts, the less pressure we will feel and the more we will allow ourselves to experience and accomplish.
The heart chakra is the key to this. Self-acceptance, self-compassion. These energies release the resistance you are holding to accepting more of who you are on a Soul level. Ask your heart, not your brain where you are due for an increase in self-acceptance and spend time in this energy this week.
A change in personal perception through self-acceptance is key this week to accelerate your ascension.