We are incredibly supported right now to claim a deeper embodiment of our Soul truth and mission and to create an anchor of ascension energies for our own lives and for the collective.
As lightworkers, wayshowers, starseeds and lightwarriors we are being downloaded big time over the next week or so. Everything we need is within us. We are supported and yes – even when it doesn’t feel like it, we are being guided and encouraged from our spirit team.
I have been in spiritual retreat mode for the last 6 months, working deeply to excavate and realign into what this next version of my Soul expression has in store. This retreat will last just a little bit longer as the full picture is now coming to form and embodiment – yet when I got the nudge to offer this container I knew it was time to take action right away.
This Wednesday, on December 29th – just before the culmination of this flow of light I am hosting an Akashic Ascension Anchoring call.
During this call, we will work in the Akashic Amenti field and move through in journey, light language and energy healing and activitivations.
This call will be limited to 10 participants as I will be channeling through guidance for each person on the call and customizing the healing and activations.
Some of what we will cover (this may adjust slightly based on where we are guided in the moment)
- Culminating timelines – Releasing attachments of these past few years, and stories/ programs that are no longer serving us.
- Anchoring heart vision, Soul self embodiment.
- Increasing your adaptability and flexible roots to flow with your soul lesson and mission.
- 8D shift central sun clearing with Archangel Metatron and Melkezedek.
- Re-light the heart and creation fire within with Vesta and Venus.
- Assimilation steps/ guidance on staying aligned to your highest timeline.
If you are interested in this call please book your place as soon as possible or reach out to me. The live call will be held on Wednesday December 29th at 12pm EST – but it is not required to attend live, I’ll be tapped in and channeling energy and guidance for you if you are there in person or spirit. Recording will be sent directly after the call. Investment for this call is $197.
Wishing you a gentle and grounding holiday season!
With love and gratitude,