To help you with the week ahead, close your eyes take a few deep breaths and then choose the card you feel called to. It’s that easy. Be confident in your choices and the more you trust your intuition, the stronger it will become. We are being guided on how to make the most of the energy this week. Choose card 1, 2 or 3 now, then scroll down to discover your card.
The Enchanted Map Oracle Cards by Colette Baron-Reid
Something is amiss here. You are trying to get somewhere but something is not quite right. Not the right person? Not the right time? Not the right place, opportunity or situation? Whatever it is something is not feeling right to you, even though you feel like you see the glow of a mirage, it is wishful thinking. You are holding on to something that you already know, deep down, should be released. This may sound like bad news, but it is really just a heads up to assess where you are focusing your energy and ask yourself what doesn’t feel quite right. Then re-adjust and be willing to let it go. Something much, much better is coming along but you need to be open to see it, notice how much better it feels and run with it. Stay strong.
Well shit. Rock bottom card? Looks a little daunting, but nothing to worry about. It is only a message that from where you are, something needs to change if you want to keep moving forward. The way you do things, maybe the way you treat yourself? Maybe something pretty big has recently happened and your old ways are just not allowing you to cope anymore. This means it is time for a new direction, a new way of doing things to lead you on the next phase of your path. Your first step is to let go, surrender say to the Universe, I give up, I quit, I’m done. Cry if things are frustrating you – just to let that release out. Then get to work on feeling good again, go after what feels good to you and be open. GREAT things tend to happen if we hold our faith and surrender when we are at rock bottom – keep an eye out for opportunities in the coming weeks.
What an amazing time! The doors of opportunity are WIDE OPEN for you right now. You can seriously manifest what you want, you are on the path. If you are feeling this, but still letting fear hold you back, this is THE WEEK to get out, be seen, spread your message, release limitations. Let your vision grow bigger and bigger this week. What is your message? How can you reach more and more people? How can you be of service? Get on the go, things are happening VERY quickly for you right now – flow with it!