As if February wasn’t going fast enough, the energy is picking up momentum again and commanding that we prioritize ourselves. There is a huge wave of abundance and opportunity on the horizon and our guides are so keen to be sure we don’t miss it! If we do another one will come, but they would much rather you caught this one, because honestly are we not done with putting ourselves through suffering yet?
You are on the right path – that message has been present a while now for the collective who tune into these forecasts – yet a gentle reminder that it does not give you full permission to stubbornly forge ahead when something isn’t clicking. There are still some pivots to be made for some of you and I’m seeing clearly the image of self-respect as one of the ‘blocks’ to coming to a place of allowing this wave of wonderful possibilities.
When you respect yourself you listen to yourself and you trust that even if it doesn’t make logical sense if you feel it in your heart and have unconditional love for yourself than it is safe to pivot and change your mind and plans.
Connect to your guides this week, to your heart. Fill yourself up with unconditional love and self respect and then take the actions to prove you are in the flow of what is best for you and what will bring you to your highest purpose and potential and happiness.
Now since we are in an new cycle year and things take a little while to get used to with this huge energy shift you are bound to fall down a few times. That is ok!! You are still learning and feeling what this 2019 is all about. Do not get discouraged or think less of yourself for falling down, it only brings you advanced wisdom. You are encouraged to get back up, and again and again and again. Each time with more unconditional love. With more self respect.
Like a baby learning to walk you don’t shame them or blame them for falling, you simple cheer them on with awe and wonder in your eyes as they discover more about this world. Your guides are feeling much the same way for you this week. They feel you learning and hope that you can see the beauty within yourself.
Your guides are active and present so much so this week that they have pretty much taken over this week’s guidance. They ask that you work with them, pray to them, ask for help, give them a to-do list, give them your worries, your self-doubt and accept the insane amount of unconditional love and respect that they have for you.
You are on the right path. Connect to and communicate with the Divine often so you remember to get back up again. When you feel discouraged remember this Divine connection and that they can infuse you with strength and blessings. Your power is your power to believe in yourself and take action. Together as we become more and more empowered we create ripples that are slowing shifting things over to a beautiful Golden consciousness.
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