We are in an expedited time of manifesting and this is working on all levels. If there are deeply held subconscious beliefs that are yet to be healed they are running the show. If you haven’t yet taken the initiative and felt the pull towards self-knowing and self-mastery let this be the season for it. As we are mindful with ourselves, with how we feel below the surface we are already one step closer to co-creating more of our desires to uncovering more of our potential, our impact, our wisdom and to feeling that beautiful Divine expansion.
We are waking up more than ever to our own inner Witch, Priestess, Shaman, Alchemist, Goddess – the Divine creator within us lives in every single cell of our body and waits for our permission to light up. To let her light up and do her thing we need to be in a state of allowing flow. That means easing tension in the body, paying attention to how you feel and using your strength to consistently make choices that support your highest path and highest expression in this life.
This week is perfect for starting projects, getting in touch with your creativity and grounding all the high vibration inspiration and codes that have been coming to you. The grounded expression is available to us now if you let yourself feel it.
Again I have to bounce back to self-healing because this is such a major part of the ascension journey. Anywhere you are holding on to the victim energy, feeling like things are unfair or ‘what is wrong with me’ or being hard on yourself and others when what you want to do on a Soul level is offer compassion.
We are becoming aware of inconsistencies in our daily lives where how we react and perceive things does not line up with our Higher self, this huge gift of clarity comes at a time when understanding ourselves is THE best gift we can possess.
Be aware of these inconsistencies and areas that are grey with doubt, fear, lack and victim energy. Paint them with a new light of perception and look for another way to view things. From another’s point of view? Zooming out to see that you are grateful for the experience? Sending forgiveness energy and calling your power back? There is no shortage of ways to color the grey of 3D energy with new empowered expansive Divinity – make your choice to paint it and see how already things begin to shift.
Where are you ready to rely on your inner wisdom more? Where is she feeling like an unheard teenager and lashing out? Chat with her often, check in with her a few times daily. There are certain tasks it’s time to take seriously and commit to if you are to expand and create the impact you feel in every cell of your body you are capable of – you know what they are.
Listen to yourself this week. Really listen. Then trust, ground and act because there is no better time, no better moon phase or planetary configuration to take action and gain clarity on your deepest held Divine desires.
If you feel like your butterfly has emerged yet still needs to stretch or color her wings THIS is the week to do it. Decide based on what you know deeply what color to paint with because you are offered the chance to spread your wings trust your choice in colors, feel your Divine essense filling them up and open!