If you have been feeling gelatinous in 2018, like a caterpillar who created a cacoon and is committed to growth and expansion and flow yet you feel you’ve been in this gelatinous incubation phase for quite a while then this time – RIGHT NOW is YOUR TIME.
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The message this week is that we can’t move forward from a circumstance if we believe we ARE that. For example when a caterpillar goes into cacoon, (after they digest themselves – like your self-mastery/ self-reflection work) then becoming gelatinous before totally creating the true version of their ascension, the butterfly. If you’re in the gelatinous phase feeling like you’re stuck in this phase is not beneficial, nor is thinking about how can I transform and racking your brain for a solution. In place of this old tactic we are asked to trust the process. To feel like a butterfly now and let our unique and powerful feeling guidance system show us the way. We can’t think our way out of this one, it’s time to call on the Divine within.
This week we are reminded that our intuition and emotions are our compasses, our guiding force. The moon has a way of reminding us and highlighting that the fastest way to our desired prosperous outcome is only through following this emotional guidance system. Too long have we jumped back and forth from strategy to strategy, from what did I miss and how can I do more and be more visible? Part of the rising this month is happening as many of us come to a deeper understanding and reliance on our intuition.
OUR GUIDING FORCE. This is it. All the strategy in the world will not create fulfillment and deep soul happiness like following your inner nudges. Standing in your unique perspective and shining light on yourself for others to see.
This aspect of your metamorphosis is deepening and in some cases coming to completion for this phase of your journey. You’ve done the work. You’ve looked at the subconscious patterns and cleaned it up. You’ve allowed yourself to be open to your desires and feel, if only briefly, what freedom and inspired perspective are to you.
This is a miraculous time of co-creation and alignment to what you’ve been building towards.
There are a few keys to keep in mind as this sweeping beautiful energy moves all around us this Spring.
Key 1 > Recognize the value in your emotions, in your intuition and get into the habit of checking in and LISTENING to your heart. Sometimes we may need to release our control of ‘how’ things will work out in order to tap into this intuitive gift. Again that is just another way of our emotional guidance system operating perfectly. When we feel in that energy of ‘how’, lack or confusion our intuition is telling us to broaden our perspective. Look at the bigger picture and released expectations and details, just getting into the feeling of your desires manifest is important.
Key 2 > Know that your transformation was required for this next stage. All the struggles you’ve felt, all the confusion, doubts and questioning strengthened your resolve, it developed the traits in yourself that will carry you through. Without this aspect of struggle and perseverance, the lesson may not be fully appreciated and understood. It is now time to take flight in the sense of aligned energy. Focus on the desired emotion and things that uplift your energy to expand the ascension process.
Key 3 > Checkin to your perspective regularly. Where do I feel like I’m at? Do I feel like I’m running up a mountain, dodging falling rocks and holding on for dear life or do I feel like I am flowing through and above my perceived obstacles through focusing on the ascended emotions of my desires? Again I have to mention how important perspective is. If you perceive the time you’re in as a struggle or fight it is easy to get caught up in that energy. Check-ins help to hold you accountable to the vibration of your desires so that you become increasingly magnetic to it.
The light of clarity is free for everyone, to access this if you feel like it’s more foggy and dark where you are, first allow yourself to get into the emotion of clarity. If you feel unclear about your business, get into the energy of clarity of any tiny aspect to get the snowball effect going. Get clear on who you want to help, what your message is, why you love to do it, and how it makes you feel as you connect with others in regard to your business. the same can apply to relationships, projects across the board. Get into the emotion of what you want to create and dedicate yourself to that to see increased clarity and stability finding their way to you.
The message and expression of who you are may be shifting so be open to that change and ask how to embody it. Always listening to YOURSELF. Others will have a different perspective which can be helpful, so long as your own feelings on the subject dictate if it is a path for you to go down or not.
If you are willing to allow it your ascended perspective and feelings about yourself and your path/ purpose will take you very far in the coming months. Trust this process.