Today marks the very first day of Fall here in the Northern Hemisphere, (this totally applies to my Southern Hemisphere friends too, just replace with Spring)
We have just over 3 months left of 2015 and I think most of you will agree that it was an action packed year and it is CRAZY that it is almost October! Today is a pretty big deal because we are getting equal amounts of light and darkness and for those of you that follow numerology it is a 22 master day, so there is a ton of energy swirling about.
Being that we are also in Mercury retrograde, my focus for this Equinox is to look back upon what 2015 has brought. If you are like me, that means a lot of change. It is so easy to spend our time comparing ourselves to others, where they are at financially, relationship or health wise and start to think that we have catching up to do. I know I’ve spent time on Facebook wishing I was where I see many friends at, and I have also done a lot of work on releasing the need to compare where I am at to where they are at on their journey. IT DOESN’T MATTER.
This leads me into the focus of my Equinox ritual, and if you’d like to, I invite you to play along. Here is what you will need:
- Some quiet time
- An outdoor space or grounding meditation music
- Pen & paper or a doc on your tablet/ computer
- Sage to burn (you could also use a cleansing incense like clove or lavender)
To sweeten the deal you may also want a few safely lit candles and your favorite crystal.
Step #1 Spend some time outdoors today with no technology. 10 minutes is plenty. You don’t have to do anything special, sit on the grass, go for a walk, stand barefoot in the grass. Connecting with the Earth is very important to get your energy balanced and calm your body and mind. If outdoors is not possible for you today, put on a grounding meditation (lots on YouTube) and visualize your energetic roots going deep into the Earth. Do this at any point today.
Step #2 Sit down in a quiet spot (or if you have noise in your environment, use headphones and calming meditation music to block it out.) Take out
your journal and think back to the start of 2015. Who were you? What issues were you facing? Where were you at? Now consider where you are at today? How far have you come? In what areas have you stepped up and started living on purpose? Why are you proud of yourself this year? What lessons have you learned? What are you grateful for? Write it all out. Leave out any negative bits that pop up and write out what you are grateful for in 2015.
My own personal growth has been on overdrive in 2015 and when I think back to the issues and limiting beliefs I was dealing with at the start of the year I am amazed and grateful at how far I have come (I couldn’t even give myself self-care time because of self-worth and other issues.) If you are someone that is quite humble and doesn’t like to boast, don’t worry – no one ever has to see this list, but just the simple act of writing it and acknowledging all that has come and what you’ve accomplished will stimulate your personal power and help to raise your vibration.
Step #3 Write 1-3 things that you want to accomplish in the last few months of 2015. Maybe limiting beliefs you want to release, maybe a new health regime or business milestone. Do this and hold the gratitude strong in your heart as you remain thankful for all you’ve accomplished. Say thank you as many times as you possibly can for all that you’ve been blessed with and all the amazing things that are still to come.
Step #4 Take your sage or incense and with the intention to clear your space of negativity and bring in peace and clarity go through room by room and disperse the gratitude. Remember if you have an online business to also clear your computer 🙂 You can also physically clean up your house and organize – only if you feel called to.
Step #5 Do something to celebrate, it could be a bath, a meditation, watching an uplifting show or hanging out with friends or family – anything that floats your boat!
Just by completing these simple steps you are raising your vibration and setting yourself up to draw more to be grateful for to yourself. You don’t have to wait for the Equinox, this is a ritual that you can do anytime you feel that you need a boost.