While we are all on our own path and choosing a card below will get you more detailed info, check out the weekly business energy forecast first:
Week of July 31, 2017:
Tensions are rising this week. Brain fog is clearing and the pot is being stirred! August is a cosmic soup of opportunities for us, and for many, that means bringing up resistance that we previously pushed deep down. Bringing it up to deal with now so that we can receive more of the opportunities being presented to us.
If you notice yourself this week yearning for something, feeling like you are pouring your emotions into it without feeling like that love is reciprocated – and yes – this is still a business energy reading. If you notice these emotions, take it as a sign that lack is wanting to be released. The vibration of lack, of feeling like others can get there but you can’t is coming up strongly for release right now.
Give yourself time to breathe this week. Time to heal. Time to stop thinking obsessively about your desired outcome. Give the Universe a little wiggle room.
If you feel like something is requiring too much energy of it, stop and ask why it feels this way. Ask if there is an easier path you may have overlooked, now with the clarity of August upon you things may appear very different.
Have you chosen your card? Feeling into it? Perfect, scroll down for the reveal and meaning of your card(s).
Yes – wanting something REALLY badly can create resistance that actually keeps it from you! Pushing too hard, my dear, too hard. Step back a bit and rest in stillness. Rest in the cocoon of gratitude. Consider how you can be flexible about this outcome you desire and how it would feel to receive something different, but ultimately better for you in the long run? This week for you is about detachment, stepping back a bit without heavy emotion. Just loosen it up a bit this week to catch the flow again.
While this card appears a bit ominous it really is a great card to receive and totally in line with the energy outlook of the week. Surrender is your theme of the week. Surrender that the way you’re doing things may be in need of a shift. Surrender that if you follow that deep knowing, loving guidance you will get to where you want to be with a great deal more ease than the current ramming into a brick wall you’re working at. A shift is stirring in you, and sometimes we need to throw our arms in the air and give up on our current direction to take a new, more empowered, more abundant path.
You feel the nudge! Oh how exciting! Are you aware of it yet? Did you take note of where the Universe is trying to guide you? When you tune into your heart, what comes up? You are super, super supported right now. Keep up with your flow this week. Ask for guidance, listen, act, celebrate, enjoy, repeat daily as required. You’re so supported and your guides are standing on the sidelines cheering you forward.