Harness the magic of the Full Moon on July 9th by listening to this guided meditation between July 7th - 12th.
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While we are all on our own path and choosing a card below will get you more detailed info, check out the weekly business energy forecast first:
Week of July 4, 2017: One of my favorite weeks of the year. Not only because my birthday is on 7/7 but because this is one of the most spiritually charged weeks of the year!
The coming of the Full Moon on July 9th is another amazing energy time, but prepping for that energy will help you to make the most of it.
This week I’m coming at you with a law of attraction reminder. Patience and appreciation before you receive are a big deal this week. Imagine your thoughts and emotions flowing out of you like helpers that let the Universe know how you feel about something and so what your reality will look like based on that. What do your helpers look like?
Are they high quality, focused and clear about what you want – or do you have some details to carve out.
Are they fast-moving and confident, carrying the belief that you are worthy? Or do they bounce around with self doubt and create a cycle of frustration for you?
This week get very clear on what helpers you want going out energetically and send immense appreciation to every area of your life, even the areas that you don’t understand right now. Understand that the Universe is abundant and accepting and celebrating this will bring you more of what you want.
Have you chosen your card? Feeling into it? Perfect, scroll down for the reveal and meaning of your card(s).
As I mentioned in the general reading for the week, this is a very spiritually charged week. For some of us (me included this week) we need to make room for the new energy coming in throughout the Summer. We need to create a space to hold the wisdom and personal power that we are stepping into. This means that through this week and into next week clearing and cleaning is our prep work.
If there is any place in your home that you have been meaning to declutter, do so now – it will create a powerful release on the Full Moon. If you find you’ve been in your head a lot lately, get out that journal and release the emotional baggage you are carrying. Use the energy of the Full Moon this weekend for extra releasing.
Wherever it is that you are holding on, the Universe is urging you to release and clear – then get ready for fresh energy and celebrate.
Present moment reminder! Simple and to the point. To get what you want you need to take action in the present. Not think about what could happen in the future and not consider the past and create expectations based on that. Simple focus on the present moment and the powerful question of ‘ what 1 action can I take right now to move me closer to what I desire’ then taking action and repeating. Simple steps forward are in alignment for you this week.
Be sure that you are fully grounded and in the present before taking action as acting from a place of desperation, should or frazzled with not yield what you hope. Ground. Present. Ask. Act.
(Note this is the exact same card as last week, if you got this 2 weeks in a row pay attention!)
Self Mastery is on the menu for you this week. An invitation to understand your circumstance and the growth it is bringing to you. Appreciating yourself and your lessons, perhaps before you even fully understand them will bring healing and growth. There is so much possibility and potential right now and the power of taking action to our highest good is always in our own hands. We may feel like we are swirling around and unsure what the point of this lesson, this struggle, this entire operation even is. You’re training, like a surf school. Your goal is to ride on the wave, but allow the wave to take you to where you want to be, while you enjoy the ride, right? Well in order to do that you need lessons from the Universe in how exactly to surf. So you’re learning about staying ‘in the flow’, you’re learning about following your own guidance, you’re learning how to get out of your comfirt zone and you’re learning to ask for and accept rewards. Everything is all good – just pay attention to the lesson so you don’t have to repeat the class.