Focus on the energy of your business right now – where you are trying to go with it – where you are feeling stuck. Then choose a card below and scroll down for the reveal to see what guidance is in store for you and your spiritual business this week. Go with what you feel guided and choose card 1, 2 or 3 OR choose any number of them or any combination that feels right.
Have you chosen your card? Feeling into it? Perfect, scroll down for the reveal and meaning of your card(s).
A very gentle push – but you totally need a push on this. It’s time for you to speak up – now this one is showing energy affecting your business that is from a relationship you need to stand up in. One where it’s time for you to let your needs be known. What is interesting here is that it may be a relationship with a person but in the case of many of you it is your relationship with your business. Yup there is a relationship there too. This week take the initiative. Decide how you want to feel – what you need to feel supported and create a plan to get there. This initiative is powerful for you this week. Remember to use your intuition!
I see a pattern here this week. Examining what is working. Looking at what you want. Releasing what is no longer in your best interest. Sometimes it really is that simple, though it may not be easy or feel great – your next step is that simple. This could mean changing course on a project or commitment that you’ve been intuitively feeling a resistance to. If it is not aligned with your goals and values is it really best to force it forward? Then again if it is aligned you may be looking at a little fear – you can push through it. Again relationships in the spotlight and potentially your relationship with your business? What needs to come apart for you to move forward freely and expansively?
Feel like you’re constantly preparing for something but not quite getting there and not quite sure you’ve even made progress? Sometimes as we do under the surface work this will happen. Right now you are getting stronger – you are growing – it’s just where you’re at and a natural part of the cycle. We can’t always be expanding, there is a flow to this – that we must honor, even when it’s frustrating and confusing. Work this week to consciously and deliberately prepare for your goal (feeling as though it is already here – but detaching from it so you are not holding on too tight.) This week you’re in a divine timing situation where things are all lining up for you, when that wave hits you will be ready with the skills and prep work to make the most of it.