All in all – no surprise what’s coming up this week! I choose a card for myself every week too and play along and my first reaction to my card this week was confirmation that exactly what I’m doing is exactly what I need to be doing.
Focus on the energy of your business right now – where you are trying to go with it – where you are feeling stuck. Then choose a card below and scroll down for the reveal to see what guidance is in store for you and your spiritual business this week. Go with what you feel guided and choose card 1, 2 or 3 OR choose any number of them or any combination that feels right.
Have you chosen your card? Feeling into it? Perfect, scroll down for the reveal and meaning of your card(s).
Sometimes you’ve got to put on music and ruthlessly get rid of what doesn’t serve you any more. Sometimes you need to find a quiet space and journal out all the limiting beliefs that no longer serve you. This is a very straightforward card – there is glorious new energy attempting to come into your space – but you need to get rid of a few things first. What is feeling stagnant? A business offer? A partnership? Your closet or email account? Ask what it is – go with the first thing that pops into your head and declutter. When you’re done enjoy the Spring cleaning feeling and bask in how fresh and renewed it feels – then let the new roll in. A note for this, avoiding something that keeps coming up is not a way to let it go – now is the time to recognize your personal power and deal with it.
Self worth. Where are you at on this? How much do you deserve? How much happiness can you handle? This card does show the way to financial and emotional gain at the cost of owning your value (win-win!). Recognize this week that your value and worth come from within. There is no outside factor that determines how amazing you are and what you are worth. Truly you have the potential within you for whatever you desire – if you believe you are worthy. As you step into this role of power and grace be sure to share appreciation with others. Even though we are all on a separate path when we cross paths your worth can be further expanded by spreading love and appreciation to help lift others up as well. We all benefit from collectively accepting our value.
Well the good news is that storms don’t last forever! You’ve got some pent up, trapped energy that is brimming for release this week. Storms come in, sometimes turning things upside down for a bit, but ultimately to bring nourishment (water) and growth (blow those trees around to spread the seeds.) It feels almost like this has to do with something outside your business – that is directly affecting your business. Where are you feeling a little off? How can you direct your focus and bring new light to this area. Like the sun breaking free after a storm you are on the edge of this storm, don’t get sucked into feeling like it will last forever.